Ancient Galdur Statue

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Ancient Galdur Statue is a Rare Decor item that can be used to decorate the Player's Housing Plot.


This bears the face of a familiar friend. At least this version is less talkative... for now.

–In-Game Item Description

How to Obtain

Ancient Galdur Statue is rewarded upon the completion of all of the Vault of the Roots bundles.

Possible Rewards

After the Ancient Galdur Statue is placed on the Player's housing plot, a random tree seed will be gifted once per day.

Daily reset in Palia is at 4:00 AM UTC.

Ancient Galdur Statue will gift one of the following seeds:


Ancient Galdur Statue is not modifiable.


Tips and Tricks

How to improve your chances to obtain Flow seeds:

  • The flow seeds given by the statue have a combined initial drop rate of 25%. This chance can be further increased by planting the seeds for the normal trees that you get from the statue.
    • This only counts for the seeds given directly by the Ancient Galdur Statue itself, not any other normal seeds. It is only the initial seed, so it does not carry over to the seed you get from fully growing out the tree, or drops from chopping trees down.
  • The increase will activate when the tree is fully grown and gives you a new seed.
    • This bonus for flow seeds becomes permanent to your character. It does not decrease if you receive a flow seed from the Ancient Galdur Statue. It will also stay if you chop down the trees afterwards.
    • There is a cap for how high of a chance you can get flow tree seeds, so you will never be 100% guaranteed to get them.


Update History

Build 0.178:

  • Introduced.