Azure Chapaa Balloon

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Azure Chapaa Balloon is a Rare Decor item that can be used to decorate the Player's Housing Plot.


Its cute looks might deceive you, but this chapaa balloon is just as mischievous as the real thing. Keep a tight hold on that string, or it'll float away!

–In-Game Item Description

How to Obtain

Azure Chapaa Balloon is earned by completing Level IV of the Pop-A-Chapaa Champ Stamp Card during the Maji Market event.

Once that reward is obtained, the Azure Chapaa Balloon can be purchased from Chapaa Tchotchkes for Maji Market Ticket.png 4,000 Maji Market Tickets. This shop is only available during the Maji Market event, at the Fairgrounds in Kilima Valley.


Azure Chapaa Balloon is not modifiable.


Azure Chapaa Balloon is currently not known to be used by any Accomplishments, Crafting Recipes, or in Cooking.

Similar Items


Purchasing the Azure Chapaa Balloon counts towards the Big Ticket Spender stamp card.


Update History

Build 0.184:

  • Introduced.