Family First

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Family First is a Subquest given by Hodari if you have not reached Friendship Level 4 with Najuma.


Hodari isn't sure he can have a relationship with you if his daughter isn't comfortable with it. Maybe you can get to know Najuma better, to set both their minds at ease?


Part 1


Information Needed. Rewards missing.


  1. Hodari is enjoying where your relationship is headed, but he has to consider his daughter, first.
  2. Befriend Najuma.

Dialogue and Mail

Letter from Hodari

So... I ain't opposed to gettin' to know you better, but bein' a single dad doesn't exactly give me a lotta free time... and I wouldn't want to bring someone into Najuma's life if she ain't comfortable with them. Maybe things will change in the future... but for now, I wanna make sure Najuma's okay first. Hope you understand.

Hodari Profile.png Hodari


Update History

Build 0.170:

  • Introduced.