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このページはページ Fireworks を「翻訳」したものです。翻訳は 25% 完了しています。

Fireworks are a type of projectile used in conjunction with a bow. プレイヤー can use them for entertainment purposes or as a means of signaling other players to a specific location.

Some Fireworks can be purchased from the Hunting Guild, which can be accessed by interacting with Hassian Profile.png ハッシアン. Others can be obtained from the Maji Market, ゼキの不思議な機械, Black Market Store, Zeki's Prize Wheel, or as a quest reward.

Fireworks can be given as gifts to some 村人.

画像 名前 概要 珍しさ 入手方法 Base Value
Flare Arrow.png 発煙筒 Lost? Have a flare for the dramatic? Let your friends know where you are with these damage-free arrows that emit randomly-colored lights. 豊富 Worktable
  • Crafting x5
Gold.png 10 Gold