Flow Tree Groves

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Flow Tree Groves are an event that occur each night (at midnight in-game) in Bahari Bay.


Every in-game night at Midnight a sound will play in Bahari Bay originating from the spawn location of the grove. This directional sound can be used to locate where the grove spawned, since it can only be heard by about one quarter of the map. There are several set locations that have the potential to become a Flow Tree Grove.

Each night only one grove will spawn. When a grove spawns, all or most of the trees in the area of the effect will become Flow Trees.

  • A maximum of two groves can exist on the map at one time.
    • This will only occur if the first grove is not removed.
    • If two groves exist, a third one will not spawn.

When a grove spawns, either one magic creature or one epic bug is guaranteed to spawn, regardless of whether this creature or bug usually spawns in this area or not. Allowing for example for Rainbow-Tipped Butterfly and Fairy Mantis to spawn in the northern half of Bahari, at a grove. For bugs, star quality is also a possibility.


Groves are designed to be harvested by multiple players at once. To share the resources optimally, there are some considerate things players can do when interacting with a grove. See this Guide on Player Etiquette for more detail.

Possible Locations

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Bonus Spawns

One of the following will spawn at each grove.

Huntable Creatures


  • Rainbow-Tipped Butterfly Rainbow-Tipped Butterfly
  • Rainbow-Tipped ButterflySQ.png Rainbow-Tipped Butterfly
  • Fairy Mantis Fairy Mantis
  • Fairy MantisSQ.png Fairy Mantis
  • Jewelwing Dragonfly Jewelwing Dragonfly
  • Jewelwing DragonflySQ.png Jewelwing Dragonfly
  • Ancient Amber Beetle Ancient Amber Beetle
  • Ancient Amber BeetleSQ.png Ancient Amber Beetle


Update History

Build 0.173:A special event can now occur in Bahari Bay — the appearance of Flow Tree Groves.🌲

  • With both the Water and Fire Temples unlocked, the concentration of Flow has increased, leading to this mystical phenomenon in the world.
  • Flow Tree Groves will appear on the map once per in-game day.
  • Up to 2 Flow Tree Groves can exist at a given time. If there are two already existing on the map, more will not spawn.

Build Dev Update September 2023: No?

  • We’ve seen a lot of feedback around Flow Trees being too rare - even more rare than expected for magical, glowing purple trees. As the temples begin to awaken, more flow has begun to churn throughout the land. Because of this, you will start to see groves of Flow Trees start to emerge! Flow Tree Groves will appear as small groupings of Flow Trees, in various sizes. Once per Palian day, a small grouping of flow trees will appear for players to find in Bahari. You will be able to see a visible plume of Flow from a further distance than you would with a single Flow Tree. Coupled with the Flare Arrows and Proximity Chat discussed below, gathering folks in the server to chop down Flow Trees will be easier than ever!