Funeral Potatoes

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Funeral Potatoes is a Friendship Quest given by Jina on behalf of Hekla.


Jina told you that Hekla is being even clingier than usual. Find Hekla and ask her what's bothering her.


Part 1

  • Talk to Hekla on your plot.

Part 2

Hekla told you that the reason she's been extra clingy is because she fears Jina's expiration. Could this have something to do with Sona?

  • Explain the situation to Jina.

Part 3

Hekla is worried that Jina might 'expire.' To help her with these feelings, Jina has suggested you hold a funeral for Sona. The potato version of Sona, at least.

Part 4

You've found some helpful information about how Ancient Humans conducted their funerals. Time to tell Jina what you found.

  • Tell Jina what you found.

Part 5

Jina has asked you to invite Hekla to Sona's funeral. Hopefully this will help Hekla feel better about her loss.

  • Invite Hekla to the funeral.

Part 6

You learned that Ancient Humans cremated their dead in Pyroflow. Meet Jina and Hekla at the Temple of the Flames, so you can give Sona a proper funeral and help Hekla move on.

Part 7

You have held a funeral for Sona. The only thing left is to check in on how Hekla's feeling.


At Quest Completion


  1. Jina will visit you at your plot, worried about Hekla's behavior, and asking for your advice.
    • Talk to Hekla when she comes looking for Jina.
  2. Explain what's going on to Jina, and decide what to do.
  3. To help Hekla properly mourn for the Human child she never got to meet, go search for some information about Ancient Human funerary practices.
  4. Return to Jina with your information.
  5. Go invite Hekla to the funeral.
  6. Attend the funeral in the Mysterious Chamber within the Temple of the Flames.
    • Listen to Jina's eulogy.
      • Optional: Speak to Hekla and Einar and Jina both before and after the service.
  7. Check in on how Hekla is feeling now.

Dialogue and Mail


Upon speaking to Jina at your plot

Hey, (Player), I, uh, kinda need your advice.
So, hypothetically. What if you had a friend, like a really good friend, and you usually really like spending time with them. But now they kinda... won't leave you alone?

You'd have no space to think.
Exactly! That's totally how I feel right now!
It's just that... Hekla's been extra, extra clingy lately. She keeps doing everything for me. Everything.

You need to tune people out.
It's a lot harder than you'd think, given the circumstances.
It's just that... Hekla's been extra, extra clingy lately. She keeps doing everything for me. Everything.

Friends? What're those?
I know you're joking, but it is an interesting philosophical question... that I won't get into right now!
Hekla's been extra, extra clingy lately. She keeps doing everything for me. Everything.

But I love having my friends around!
Usually I do, too. But this has just been a lot, you know?
It's just that... Hekla's been extra, extra clingy lately. She keeps doing everything for me. Everything.

I can barely get any research done! I picked up a knife to make a sandwich, and she stopped me. She said it was too dangerous!
I tried to tell her I'm fine, but she's just not listening to me. You're her friend, too, though. Do you think you could talk to her?

Of course I will!
Whew... Thanks, (Player). Hopefully you'll get through.

Think she'll cook for me, too?
I mean, probably. But, uhm, it's not really the cooking that's the problem. It's the everything else.

What if she doesn't listen to me, either?
Exactly! That's totally how I feel right now!

I'll make sure she listens.
Thank you...

Now, I think I'm going to go find a ruin to hide in and be alone for a little bit...


Upon speaking to Hekla at your plot

Hello, (Player). Have you seen my Jina? I believe she was parambulating [sic] this way.
Without me at her side, the likelihood of disaster befalling her greatly increases with every passing second.

She's concerned about your behaviour...
There is no reason to be concerned.
Nothing unfortunate can happen as long as she remains in my sight.

Jina said you're being extra clingy.
I am not equipped with sticking apparati. If, however, you mean that I am paying special attention to my Jina...

It is only natural for me to care for her. It is my Oneness, after all.

She seemed SUPER stressed out.
My Jina often experiences stress responses to standard stimuli.

You're being a little extra.
My Jina deserves extra time and attention. It is the least that I, as her caretaker, can do.

There must be another way to show her...
Certainly not. I carefully chose every action I perform to maximize care for my Jina. After all, I am designed to be an expert at such things.

You're smothering her.
This is a temporary feeling. She will come around and realize this is all for her own good.

Enough excuses.

Come on, you can talk to me!

Is there something else going on?

But you're bumming her out.

Very well. As you know, having only recently been woken by my Jina, I am still relatively new to this world. There are concepts I am still grasping.
And one of these concepts is... expiration.
Galdur were created to live forever. This fact has been difficult to reconcile with the one I learned upon my waking.
Our creators, the Humans, have long passed. Why would a Human who can expire create a Galdur who cannot?
If the Human baby I was originally meant to care for expired, then my Jina may also succumb to expiration.
I... I do not know what to do. I am designed to care for people. I am not equipped to process their absence.

I'll help you figure it out!
Thank you, (Player), I would appreciate that.

I'm sorry you're hurting.
Sharing my thoughts with you has already brought me comfort. Thank you for listening.

You should tell Jina about this.
I do not wish to burden my Jina with these thoughts. How will she feel comfortable relying on me if she knows of my emotional irregularities?

Sounds like YOU need a Hekla.
That would be highly irregular. I am designed to be self-sufficient.
However, if your intention is to express that I would benefit from speaking with another... I have felt comfort from sharing with you, (Player).

But a query still stands. Even if I acknowledge these emotions, I know no practices to deal with them.
If you come upon any information for properly mourning an Ancient Human, please relay it to me.

Upon speaking with Jina

(Explain the situation with Hekla.)
Me? Die? But I'm not even that old...
I guess it makes sense. The first thing she learned was the person she was supposed to care for was already dead. I know I'd be upset.
But maybe there is something we can do for her.
When I was little, my grandmother took care of me whenever my Dad was away on research trips.
She passed away shortly before I started at the Institute. I was kinda wrecked. She'd supported me so much and now she was no longer there.
My father organized a funeral for her. Seeing her body be given back to the Wellspring helped remind me how beautiful life is.
I know! Let's give Hekla a funeral for Sona... er, the potato that is kind of like Sona.

How did Ancient Humans do funerals?
That is an excellent question!
I have no idea. Maybe we can find some information in the Ancient Library? Or, well, you.

So we throw a potato in a well?
What? No! I mean, if we were going to give Sona a Majiri funeral, we'd lower her in gently!
But Sona was an Ancient Human. We should give her a proper Human farewell.
Maybe you can find some more information in the Ancient Library?

If it'll help Hekla!
I wish she would've felt comfortable telling me about this.
Um, anyways, if we're going to do a funeral, we should give her a proper Ancient Human one.
The problem's that I don't really know what one looks like.
Maybe you can find some more information in the Ancient Library?

If we do it, we should do it right.
Agreed! And since Sona was an Ancient Human, that means we should do it like your ancestors did.
Maybe you can find some more information in the Ancient Library?

I'll, um, wait here. I'd be kind of useless, after all. Still haven't quiiite mastered reading Ancient Human.

Upon returning to Jina

I found a book on Human funeral rites.
Great! What's it say?
We cremated our dead in Pyroflow.
Pyroflow... According to the Ancient Humans, that was Flow mixed with fire, right?
That makes perfect sense! Your people worshipped the Phoenix, and her element is fire!
Didn't you discover a source of Pyroflow recently? I heard Sifuu and Hassian talking about it!

The glowy lava place, right?
Yes, the Temple of the Flames! It's definitely the nearest source of Pyroflow.
Still, we don't want to get ahead of ourselves. Can you go invite Hekla?

The Temple of the Flames.
Exactly! That's definitely the nearest source of Pyroflow.
Still, we don't want to get ahead of ourselves. Can you go invite Hekla?

Sifuu's forge!
Well, I was thinking the Temple of the Flames. I'm not sure Sifuu's forge gets that hot.
Unless she grabbed some of that Pyroflow for herself...
Anyways! We don't want to get ahead of ourselves. Can you go invite Hekla?

Technically, Tau discovered it...
Don't sell yourself so short! You've been really important in figuring out all these Temples, (Player)!
Anyways, the Temple of the Flames is definitely the nearest source of Pyroflow!
Still, we don't want to get ahead of ourselves. Can you go invite Hekla?

I'm worried if I go, she'll pretend everything is okay and that she doesn't know what I'm talking about.

Upon speaking to Hekla

We want to hold a funeral for Sona.
Yes, my Jina once told me about the expiration of her grandmother. While she experienced mild distress in the retelling, it was not outside of manageable parameters.
Whereas when I think about the loss of my Sona, or the potential loss of my Jina, my body feels as if it is on the brink of malfunctioning.
Very well. Based on the conversation between you and I earlier, I have also been expressing my distress to Einar.
Perhaps I shall invite him to share in our feelings of misery.

It'll be like a party, but sad.
Einar has already accepted the invitation. I shall go prepare snacks for Jina to consume during the walk to Bahari Bay.

Misery loves company.
Einar has also previously experienced loss, so he is valid company.
He has already accepted the invitation. I shall go prepare snacks for Jina to consume during the walk to Bahari Bay.

Friends make everything better!
This is true. You are my friend, and you have already made things better.
Einar has accepted the invitation. I shall go prepare snacks for Jina to consume during the walk to Bahari Bay.

We'll make sure Sona gets a proper goodbye.
Thank you, (Player).
Einar has accepted the invitation. I shall go prepare snacks for Jina to consume during the walk to Bahari Bay.

Optional: Upon speaking to Einar in the Temple

I too have experienced the expiration of a beloved Human.
I hope Hekla finds this ceremony soothing.

Optional: Upon speaking to Hekla in the Temple

I have handed Potato Sona to Jina. I believe she is awaiting a delivery from you as well.
She has informed me that she has prepared a speech for the occasion.
Were my emotional levels not currently disregulate, I would be proud of her. She does not enjoy public speaking.

Upon speaking to Jina at the funeral

Did you bring the supplies? We can't have a proper funeral without them!
I brought the supplies.
Perfect! I knew you'd come through for Hekla.
Okay. According to the book you found...
(Jina carefully cleans the potato with a damp cloth, wraps it in silk, and places it on the altar, before putting the silver on top of its button eyes.)
Today we put baby Sona to rest, and return her spirit to the Flame.
I'm sorry you never got to see the world. I'm sure you would've been an incredible Human.
Maybe I'd even have found something you've left behind, thousands of years later!
Still, I hope that whatever awaited you after you crossed the Veil makes you happy.
And I hope you know that Hekla would've been the best Caretaker ever, if you'd gotten the chance to know her.
Uhm, that's all I have to say. I hope it helped.

Optional: Upon speaking to Einar again

Although they eventually became more sporadic, I have attended several Human expiration observances in my time.
I experienced pleasant feelings while watching you re-enact these old practices.
Hekla's emotional levels also seem to have improved. You would have been an excellent deliverer of Human funerary services.

Optional: Upon speaking to Jina again

I hope that eulogy was okay. I've never given one before.


Upon speaking to Hekla at the funeral

(Player). Thank you for attending Sona's funeral.
How did the funeral make you feel?
Watching the Pyroflow, I find myself more at peace, as if there is still beauty in Sona's expiration.
And although none of us could have known her personally, it comforts me to know that we will all remember her.
This event has, however, exposed the gaps in my own knowledge of the people who created me.
I would like to be more informed on Ancient Human culture, beyond what was provided to me as part of my caretaking duties.
I did not have much opportunity to experience it myself before I was placed in storage.
As such, I have established for myself a new Oneness. I shall be Jina's research partner!
I will care for Jina by being the best research partner that she could ever have! Nothing can take that away from me.
Although, if anyone did...

I'm glad you feel better!
I feel as though my chassis is made of a much lighter material. I am ready to assist Jina immediately!

Do you have the right training for that?
I will learn while 'on the job', I believe it is called.

In fact, I am such a good research partner that I have already begun my work!
Archaeology is all about finding things and taking them, is it not? Therefore, I have exhumed a number of artifacts in anticipation of my Jina's needs.
Here, I have found many of these. You may have one as thanks for organizing this event.


Optional: Upon speaking to Einar while still in the Temple

It is considered proper procedure to remain in place until the Chief Mourner vacates.
Therefore, I will endeavor to stay perfectly still. It is fortunate I have no need to respirate.

Optional: Upon speaking to Hekla while still in the Temple

I shall discover more about Sona's culture and assist Jina at the same time!


  • The quest is currently available before hitting Friendship 5 with Hekla.
  • The items required for the funeral do not need to be in the Player's inventory.

Update History

Build 0.180:

  • Introduced.