Heavy Metal Chapaa Trophy

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Heavy Metal Chapaa Trophy is a Legendary Decor item from the Trophy decor set that can be used to decorate the Player's Housing Plot.


For being a boss at Heavy Metal Chapaa!

–In-Game Item Description

  • ⚠️ This item is known to vanish from your plot.

How to Obtain

Heavy Metal Chapaa Trophy is awarded upon beating the high score while playing Heavy Metal Chapaa on the Rage Against the Arcade Machine.


 «  Hassian  » 
LoneWolf has been pwned!
Looks like you beat my score...
Congrats on wasting your time on such silly things.
I guess I should give you this. It arrived on my doorstep the morning after I played.
I was gonna melt it down for its gold anyways...


Heavy Metal Chapaa Trophy is not modifiable.


Heavy Metal Chapaa Trophy is currently not known to be used by any Accomplishments, Crafting Recipes, or in Cooking.
