Home Tours/de

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Diese Seite ist eine übersetzte Version der Seite Home Tours und die Übersetzung ist zu 3 % abgeschlossen sowie aktuell.


Each Player has a green Home Tour Board next to the entrance gate of their Housing Plot. This allows players to browse homes available to tour, submit their own plot, or access the Home Tours store. This green board is not to be confused for the blue Visting Board on the other side of the entrance, which is how Players can join the live plots of their friends, party members, or other players on their server in order to play together on the same lot.


Home Tours allow players to publicly share a housing plot and browse other players' shared housing plots. A Home Tours Event begins each week, allowing Players to share one selected plot anytime during the event. Once their entry is submitted, other players are able to visit an instanced version of that plot. These visitors can explore a single-player version of that home even when the owner of the plot is offline. This submission cannot be retracted or re-submitted during the event.

When touring a home in the Tour Board, visitors can leave emoji reactions to express their admiration for the plot. Each week features four of the five possible emoji reactions. Receiving these reactions allows the owner of the plot to work towards nameplates based on the number of reactions they get. At the end of the weekend, the Home Tours Event will reset, entries and reactions will be cleared, and players will receive any nameplates they have earned over the week.


Nameplates and their different tiers

The types of nameplates a player earns at the end of the week depends on the amount of each emoji reaction their home receives. Each reaction gives a different type of nameplate, while the number of that reaction dictates which tier(s) of that nameplate they are given: Tier I is earned by getting 10 of one emoji, tier II from 50, tier III from 200, and tier IV from 500 of that emoji. Nameplates can be equipped in the Collections tab of the Player inventory.

The nameplates you can earn from reactions are:

Nameplate Emoji Reaction Tier I (10 Reacts) Tier II (50 Reacts) Tier III (200 Reacts) Tier IV (500 Reacts)
Decor Superstar Nameplate Home Tour Reaction Amazing.png That's amazing! (Starry-eyed Chapaa) Decor Superstar 1.png Decor Superstar 2.png Decor Superstar 3.png Decor Superstar 4.png
Blazing Builder Nameplate Home Tour Reaction Cool.png Very cool! (Sunglasses Chapaa) Blazing Builder 1.png Blazing Builder 2.png Blazing Builder 3.png Blazing Builder 4.png
Construction Cutie Nameplate Home Tour Reaction Cute.png So cute! (Blushing Chapaa) Construction Cutie 1.png Construction Cutie 2.png Construction Cutie 3.png Construction Cutie 4.png
Heartwarming Hearth Nameplate Home Tour Reaction Cozy.png How cozy! (Heart-eyed Chapaa) Heartwarming Hearth 1.png Heartwarming Hearth 2.png Heartwarming Hearth 3.png Heartwarming Hearth 4.png
Magical Manor Nameplate Home Tour Reaction Magical.png It's magical! (Magician Hat Chapaa) Magical Manor 1.png Magical Manor 2.png Magical Manor 3.png Magical Manor 4.png

For example, if a player wanted to earn the Magical Manor tier II nameplate, their Home Tour entry would need to receive at least 50 "Magical!" reactions.

Players can also earn the Housewarming Hero 3.png Housewarming Hero Nameplate and Tour Tickets from completing weekly House Tour Errungenschaften. The Tour Ticket.png Tour Tickets can be redeemed at the House Tour Store for exclusive prizes.

Tour Board

To participate in Home Tours, access the Tour board by pressing / while standing in front of the board. This board has three tabs:

"en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Spotlight= This tab allows you to browse the latest Show Home and learn about Palia's newest features.

Home Tours Interface 1.png

"en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Home Tours= This is where you can access other players' Home Tours. Homes can be sorted by trending, new, or random. You can also access a particular player's home by searching their name. Select the home you want to view and press "Tour Home" to enter an online version of their plot.

Home Tours Interface 2.png

"en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">My Home= This is where you can submit one of your home plots for others to see, check the reactions from other players, track your progress towards special nameplates based on the reactions you receive, and decide if you want to use Tour Tickets to have your home Featured. The top right corner counts down the amount of time left in the current Home Tours Event. You can only submit one home plot every week, so choose wisely.

Home Tours Interface 3.png

Home Tours Store

To access the Home Tours store, press / while standing in front of the board. This store is where players can spend the Tour Ticket.png Tour Tickets they've earned through completing weekly Home Tour Accomplishments. Prizes include nameplates, wallpaper, flooring, and jukeboxes.

Gegenstand Kosten
Sternenfall-Luftgeist-Namensschild Tour Ticket.png 100 Tour Tickets
Redland Rover Nameplate Tour Ticket.png 100 Tour Tickets
Seerosenspringer-Namensschld Tour Ticket.png 100 Tour Tickets
Wilde Fatale-Namensschild Tour Ticket.png 100 Tour Tickets
Feather Dance Jukebox Feather Dance Jukebox Tour Ticket.png 30 Tour Tickets
First Rainy Day Jukebox First Rainy Day Jukebox Tour Ticket.png 30 Tour Tickets
Goodnight Music Jukebox Goodnight Music Jukebox Tour Ticket.png 30 Tour Tickets
Lost In Thoughts Jukebox Lost In Thoughts Jukebox Tour Ticket.png 30 Tour Tickets
Out There Things Jukebox Out There Things Jukebox Tour Ticket.png 30 Tour Tickets
Purple Waters Jukebox Purple Waters Jukebox Tour Ticket.png 30 Tour Tickets
Where Are You Jukebox Where Are You Jukebox Tour Ticket.png 30 Tour Tickets
Ornamental Sage Wallpaper Ornamental Sage Wallpaper Tour Ticket.png 25 Tour Tickets
Ornamental Iris Wallpaper Ornamental Iris Wallpaper Tour Ticket.png 25 Tour Tickets
Umbral Beadboard Umbral Beadboard Tour Ticket.png 25 Tour Tickets
Waves of Wheat Wallpaper Waves of Wheat Wallpaper Tour Ticket.png 25 Tour Tickets
Teak Wood Floor Teak Wood Floor Tour Ticket.png 25 Tour Tickets
Mosaic Vine Tile Floor Mosaic Vine Tile Floor Tour Ticket.png 25 Tour Tickets
Slate Tile Floor Slate Tile Floor Tour Ticket.png 25 Tour Tickets
Mosaic Shell Floor Mosaic Shell Floor Tour Ticket.png 25 Tour Tickets
Blue Ivy Wallpaper Blue Ivy Wallpaper Tour Ticket.png 25 Tour Tickets
Sienna Ivy Wallpaper Sienna Ivy Wallpaper Tour Ticket.png 25 Tour Tickets

Wöchentliche Herausforderungen

Weekly Challenges are Accomplishments that a player can complete once weekly. A player can complete up to 2 Weekly Challenges relating to Housing Tours each week, awarding a total of Tour Ticket.png 50 Tour Tickets.

Weekly Challenges are currently the same every week, and reset every Monday at 4:00 AM UTC. Progress from uncompleted Challenges will carry over and count towards the following week.

Home Tours/de/Weekly Challenges


Version 0.186:

  • 2 new wallpaper and 2 new floor added to the store

Version 0.185:

  • Ability to have home "featured" was added

Version 0.184:

  • Reaction requirement for Tier 4 Nameplates lowered from 1,000 to 500