Knowledge Sleuth

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Knowledge Sleuth is a Friendship Quest given by Caleri upon reaching Friendship Level 3: Co-Cateloger [sic].


Caleri is out of sorts over a lost book. Help Caleri track down her missing book and maybe you'll find what's really going on with her.


Part 1

  • Talk to Caleri in the restricted section after the library closes at 10pm.

Part 2

Caleri thinks Tamala stole her book. You'll have to sneak into her house to get it back. Return the tome to Caleri

↷ Return to Caleri


At Start of Quest

At Quest Completion


  1. Talk to Caleri in the restricted section of the Library after reading her letter.
    • Caleri will walk into the restricted section at 10pm.
  2. Caleri asks you to retrieve a book that Tamala took.
  3. Search in boudoir for the missing book.

Dialogue and Mail


Letter from Caleri

Dear (Player),
I can no longer hold my tongue. Something quite mortifying has happened, and I believe you are the only one I can trust. Meet me at the library tonight after we have closed. I have included a key to the restricted section. Ensure NO ONE follows you.

Caleri Profile.png Caleri


Upon speaking to Caleri

Caleri you can see, I keep many books on premise that are not strictly legal to obtain.
You may have guessed, but books on Flow are considered highly dangerous within Palian society.
The Order wished to destroy such books long ago...but I couldn't see them burned.
So, I've kept them here for many years. Strictly for safe keeping.
But one tome of my magical library is missing.
It was a treatise on Human-era magic, written by Illuminary Pompus himself before the Unification.
The knowledge contained within is priceless. Pompus dedicated his life to understanding the intricacies of esoteric Human runeworking.
No other tome comes close. If it is gone for good, the world has lost a great treasure.
And if it has fallen into the wrong hands... the world has gained a great danger.
Any idea who might have taken it?

Tamala? She would have use for a magic book.
That's precisely who I suspect as well. I was wondering if you might not mind... getting close to Tamala. Purely to gain access to her room and search it, of course.

Maybe a chapaa took it?
What use would a chapaa have for an ancient tome? They cannot read.
No, I believe it must be the alchemist. I was wondering if you might not mind... getting close to Tamala. Purely to gain access to her room and search it, of course.

Auni? That kid is too cheery, must be hiding something.
I don't think so. The boy is mischievous sometimes, but I don't think he would steal.
No, I believe it must be the alchemist. I was wondering if you might not mind... getting close to Tamala. Purely to gain access to her room and search it, of course.

You? Think about it... it would be the perfect crime.
What? Why would I steal the book and then ask for your help finding it!? Is this what you Humans call a "joke"?
Well I never! I was going to tell you I suspect it must be the alchemist.
I was wondering if you might not mind... getting close to Tamala to gain access to her room. Just don't do it using your sense of "humor."

And whatever you do, do not let her in on your objective. She's likely to move the book if she knows we're onto her.

Asking Tamala if she took something from the library

Did you steal from the library?
Why, darling, do I look like a thief? You wound me. I thought we were getting so close...
But yes, of course I did. Caleri makes us go through so much red tape for a little light reading, and I am not interested in putting my name down in writing anywhere.
You can take it, I've already gotten what I wanted from it. I was going to slip it back in her stacks soon anyways.
Of course, I wonder why she's so eager to get it back... perhaps your little librarian friend has some urgent use for it?
It isn't a particularly dangerous tome... unless of course you are trying to keep something hidden.


Returning the book to Caleri

I got the book.
You did? Hand it over!
Ahem. Excuse me, I have been rather excited since it went missing.
Yes... this is the one. And there does not appear to be any damage done to it.
That's a relief.
... I am afraid I have not been entirely honest with you, (Player). I did not expect to feel so terrible about it, but I have begun to think of you as a friend.
Within these pages lies a recipe for a potion. An entirely harmless one!
It simply removes the scales from one's eyes and allows them to see the truth. The objective truth.

Sounds useful!
I am hoping it proves to be. I plan on giving the potion to my sister.

Why do you need that?
It is... complicated. I plan on giving the potion to my sister.

Caleri, you rebel!
Yes, well, learning the rules helps you know which ones you can break.
I plan on giving the potion to my sister.

I don't like being lied to.
You must understand the necessity. Owning the books is one thing, but using them... well.
I plan on giving the potion to my sister.

The effects are not permanent. Quite the contrary, they will last a single day and then fade away.
Because she has been blinded by foolishness for far too long!
She has driven everyone away with her strange theories and blatant misunderstanding of science!
She was even kicked out of the Academy! We were supposed to graduate together, she and I, but she-
Ahem. I apologize, I got a little fired up.
I am hoping that this potion will bring her to her senses, so that she will see how patently false these theories are.

Her theories seem harmless.
Harmless, and pointless. She is wasting her time. She would be much happier if she'd just be... NORMAL.

I hope it works.
So do I. It isn't that I don't care for her... quite the contrary, in fact.

Maybe she's right.
She has no evidence, no studies, and no backing from the community. She has been wasting her time! I simply want her to see that.

I didn't realize it bothered you so much.
Of course it bothers me! She is my twin. I understand her better than anyone, and these theories... they are not doing her any good!

Thank you for returning the book, (Player). I believe I can take it from here.
Take this teapot as a token of my gratitude. I think it would make a nice home decor piece.


  • The first quest objective will automatically update for Players who have reached Friendship Level 3 or higher with Tamala.
  • Players who already have Tamala's key can go straight to the boudoir and proceed with the quest.

Update History

Build 0.165:

  • Introduced.