Lily Rattan Partition

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Lily Rattan Partition is a Common Decor item from the Lily Rattan decor set that can be used to decorate the Player's Housing Plot.


Why mark out your space with anything less than artwork? Set up this partition in any room, and you'll see its eye-catching design but not the other side. Perfect.

–In-Game Item Description

How to Obtain

Lily Rattan Partition is a part of the rotating furniture item stock in The Underground. The Underground is running between 6:00 PM and 3:00 AM. When seen, you may purchase it one time for the cost of: Gold.png 955 Gold.


Lily Rattan Partition is not modifiable.


Lily Rattan Partition is currently not known to be used by any Accomplishments, Crafting Recipes, or in Cooking.


Update History

Build 0.183:

  • Introduced.