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Time | Villager | Description |
12:00 AM | Auni | Goes to sleep. |
Einar | Walking home. | |
Eshe | Starts to walk back to the Mayor's Estate. | |
Jel | Walks through the field outside of town towards the Fisherman's Lagoon. | |
Nai'o | Leaves Ormuu pen and goes to bed. | |
Reth | Goes to The Underground | |
Sifuu | Walks home to sleep. | |
Tamala | Walks to her house. | |
12:45 AM | Einar | Sleeping. |
1:00 AM | Delaila | Leaves the Tavern. |
Jel | Walks towards the Mayor's Estate down on the coast. | |
1:19 AM | Eshe | Enters her room in the Mayor's Estate. |
1:30 AM | Jel | Turns and walks over the boardwalk. |
2:00 AM | Jel | Stands near the tree on the little island. |
Tamala | Making potions in her house. | |
2:30 AM | Zeki | Leaves The Underground to walk home. |
2:34 AM | Delaila | Reaches home. |
3:00 AM | Chayne | Wakes up and walks to the Dragon Shrine |
Einar | Walking to the Fisherman's Lagoon to fish all day. | |
Hassian | Walks from Hassian's Grove to the pond in Hideaway Bluffs. | |
Hekla | Wakes up and looks at ruins outside Jina's locked ruin. | |
Jina | Looks at ruins outside her locked ruin. | |
Kenyatta | Walks back to the Mayor's Estate to sleep. | |
Tau | Walking from Hassian's Grove to the pond in Hideaway Bluffs. | |
4:00 AM | Auni | Wakes up and walks to the town square. |
Badruu | Wakes up, and walks out to the farm. | |
Delaila | Gets up and walks to the hay near the Ormuu pen at the farm. | |
Elouisa | Wakes up and goes to riverbank south of Mirror Fields (Map grid section D-6). | |
Eshe | Exits her room in the Mayor's Estate. | |
Hodari | Goes to the kitchen in Hodari and Najuma's House. | |
Jel | Turns around and goes back towards the Fisherman's Lagoon. | |
Nai'o | Leaves bedroom and walks to Ormuu pen near Badruu's Barn. | |
Reth | Leaves The Underground from his storeroom | |
Sifuu | Wakes up and goes to ruins southwest of Kilima Village. | |
Tamala | Goes to her bedroom. | |
5:00 AM | Ashura | Goes upstairs in the Tavern to sleep. |
Caleri | Wakes up and starts her shift at the library, behind the desk. | |
Eshe | Arrives at Elouisa and Caleri's House and stands in front of it. | |
Hodari | Walks over to workshop, northeast of the house. | |
Jel | Turns towards town. | |
Kenli | Wakes up and heads to the back garden of the Mayor's Estate. | |
Najuma | Walks to her room to sleep. | |
Reth | Standing in the path behind the Tailor shop | |
6:00 AM | Jel | Walks through town and into the Tailor shop. |
Tish | Waking up, leaves her house | |
6:30 AM | Tish | Stands near the Apothecary |
7:00 AM | Eshe | Leaves the front of Elouisa and Caleri's House and starts to walk towards the City Hall. |
Jel | Goes to his room to sleep. | |
Kenyatta | Walks to the City Hall to work. | |
8:00 AM | Ashura | Exercises upstairs in the Tavern. |
Chayne | Walks over to the Apothecary | |
Hassian | Leaves the pond and walks to Kilima Valley. | |
Reth | Walks to the Tavern and starts work | |
Tamala | Wakes up and makes potions in her house. | |
Tau | Kilima Valley - Crossing between windmills. | |
Zeki | Waking up to walk to and run the General Store for the day. | |
8:01 AM | Hassian | Appears in Kilima Valley and walks to Chapaa Crossing fields between windmills. |
8:15 AM | Eshe | Arrives at her office in the City Hall and waits behind the desk. |
8:30 AM | Tish | Stands near a big tree close to Fisherman's Lagoon |
9:00 AM | Badruu | Walks over to the farm shop. |
Jel | Goes down into the Tailor shop. | |
Kenli | Walks to City Hall. | |
Tish | Walks to the Furniture Store | |
10:00 AM | Ashura | Walks to fishing spot northwest of the village. |
Auni | Walks east of town to a windmill. | |
Elouisa | Walks over to the ruins north of Fisherman's Lagoon. | |
Hodari | Going to Kilima Valley. | |
Jel | Stands in the Tailor shop. | |
Kenli | Naps in his office. | |
Nai'o | Leaves Ormuu pen and walks to Kilima Central Stables. | |
Najuma | Wakes up and walks to the east side of the pond near her house. | |
Sifuu | Walks up to the Blacksmith. | |
10:01 AM | Hodari | Appearing in Kilima Valley and going in to the Tavern. |
11:00 AM | Eshe | Moves from her office in the City Hall to the balcony of the City Hall. |
12:00 PM | Delaila | Walks from the Ormuu pen at the farm to the General Store. |
Hekla | Walks to the Night Sky Temple. | |
Jina | Walks to the Night Sky Temple. | |
Tamala | Walks to stand west of Flooded Steps. | |
1:00 PM | Badruu | Walks over to the Tavern. |
Eshe | Starts to walk towards the end of the bridge at the exit of Kilima Village between the Tavern and the Tailor. | |
1:49 PM | Delaila | Reaches the General Store. |
2:00 PM | Ashura | Walks to Remembrance Garden for Sabine. |
Auni | Heads to the Tavern. | |
Eshe | Arrives at the end of the bridge at the exit of Kilima Village between the Tavern and the Tailor. | |
Hassian | Walks to the Tavern's porch. | |
Hodari | Going back to Bahari Bay. | |
Tau | Walks to the porch behind the Tavern. | |
2:01 PM | Hodari | Appearing in Bahari Bay and going over to the mines southeast of Pavel Mines. |
3:00 PM | Auni | Stands on the back porch of the Tavern. |
Elouisa | Walks to Library. | |
Hekla | Walks towards the Library. | |
Jina | Walks towards the Library. | |
4:00 PM | Najuma | Walks to her workshop. |
Sifuu | Walks into the eating area in the Tavern. | |
Tamala | Walks to stand north of Bahari Central Stables. | |
5:00 PM | Ashura | Walks to the Tavern counter for work. |
Badruu | Walks back to the kitchen at the farm. | |
Chayne | Walks to the middle of the Tavern | |
Delaila | Walks from the General Store back home. | |
Eshe | Starts to walk towards Reflection Fields. | |
Hassian | Walks inside the Tavern. | |
Jel | Walks behind the counter and stands there. | |
Kenyatta | Walks to the Library. | |
Reth | Leaves work at the Tavern and walks to the Tailor shop | |
Tau | Walks inside the Tavern. | |
Tish | Leaves work at the Furniture Store and walks to the Tailor to visit Jel | |
Zeki | Leaves the General Store to walk to the Tavern. | |
5:45 PM | Eshe | Arrives at the Gate to Remembrance Garden between Elouisa and Caleri's House and the Apothecary in Reflection Fields and stands at the side of the Gate. |
6:00 PM | Auni | Walks to the kitchen on the farm. |
6:45 PM | Delaila | Reaches the Daiya family kitchen. |
6:49 PM | Kenli | Is in the Tavern. |
7:00 PM | Hassian | Leaves the Tavern and walks back to Bahari Bay. |
Nai'o | Stands in the Daiya family kitchen. | |
Tau | Travelling to Hassian's Grove. | |
7:01 PM | Hassian | Appears in Bahari Bay and walks to stand watch on the hill past Hideaway Bluffs. |
8:00 PM | Hodari | Walks back to the little area just outside the house. |
Najuma | Walks to the picnic table in front of her house. | |
Reth | Leaves the Tailor shop and goes to his storeroom | |
9:00 PM | Auni | Goes to his treehouse and stands next to it. |
Badruu | Walks in to the barn. | |
Chayne | Goes back to sleep | |
Delaila | Walks from home to the Tavern. | |
Eshe | Starts to walk to the balcony of the City Hall. | |
Hodari | Passes by Bahari Ruins. | |
Kenyatta | Walks to the Kilima Central Stables. | |
Nai'o | Walks to Ormuu pen near Badruu's Barn. | |
Zeki | Leaves the Tavern to walk to the General Store. | |
9:01 PM | Zeki | Appears in The Underground. |
10:00 PM | Badruu | Walks to his room and goes to sleep. (briefly wakes up at 1 AM) |
Caleri | Goes to sleep. | |
Hassian | Walks back to Hassian's Grove to sleep. | |
Hodari | Arrives at the little area just outside the house. | |
Kenli | Heads back to the Mayor's Estate. | |
Tish | Leaves the Tailor shop and goes to her house | |
10:10 PM | Eshe | Arrives at the balcony of the City Hall. |
10:40 PM | Delaila | Reaches the Tavern. |
11:00 PM | Elouisa | Walks from Library to her home. |
Hekla | Walks back to sleep in their tent. | |
Hodari | Going in to sleep. | |
Jel | Leaves his shop to walk through town. | |
Jina | Walks back to sleep in Hekla's Tent. | |
Najuma | Walks back to her workshop. | |
11:30 PM | Kenli | Goes to sleep on the couch. |
local common = require('Module:Common')
local tbls = require('Module:Common/Tables')
local cargo = require('Module:Common/Cargo')
local p = {}
local function toFloat(input)
local finds = { input:match('^([0-9]+):([0-9]+)(.*)$') }
if #finds > 0 then
-- Minutes cannot be '0' or '123', should be '10', '15', '45', etc
if #finds[2] ~= 2 then
return nil
-- Convert to a number type
local h = tonumber(finds[1])
local m = tonumber(finds[2]) / 60
if m > 1 then
return nil
local e = mw.text.trim((finds[3] or ''):lower())
if e == 'am' then
if h == 12 then
h = h - 12
elseif e == 'pm' then
if h ~= 12 then
h = h + 12
elseif e ~= '' then
return nil
if h < 0 or h >= 24 then
return nil
return h + m
return nil
local function fromFloat(input)
local h = math.floor(input)
local m = (input - h) * 60
return ('%d:%02d'):format(h, m)
local function formatFullTable(keys, times)
local tbl = tbls.create({
['class'] = 'paliatable'
for _, key in ipairs(keys) do
local vals = times[key]
for i, t in ipairs(vals) do
local row = tbl:row()
-- Add the rowspan time value
if i == 1 then
row:td({ ['rowspan'] = #vals })
:text('{{Time|' .. key .. '}}')
row:td('{{NPC|' .. t['npc'] .. '}}')
return tbl:done()
local args = common.getArgs(frame)
for key, val in pairs(args) do
local num = toFloat(key)
if num ~= nil then{
['_table'] = 'Schedules',
['time'] = num,
['description'] = val
return ''
function p.fullList(frame)
local keys = {} -- Sorted set of keys
local times = {}
local rows = cargo.query({
['tables'] = 'Schedules, Categories',
['fields'] = 'CONCAT(Schedules._pageName) = npc, time, description = desc',
['join'] = 'Schedules._pageName = Categories._pageName',
['where'] = 'Categories.category = "Villager"',
['orderBy'] = 'time, npc',
['limit'] = 5000
for _, row in ipairs(rows) do
local t = fromFloat(row['time'])
if not times[t] then
table.insert(keys, t)
times[t] = {}
table.insert(times[t], row)
return frame:preprocess(formatFullTable(keys, times))
function p.match(input)
return toFloat(input)
return p