Restricted Section

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Restricted Section is a location in Kilima Village in Palia.


The Restricted Section is a room behind the counter of the Library. This is where Caleri keeps a certain type of book, books she has saved from The Order. It can be accessed after receiving Caleri's Key during Caleri's Friendship Level 3 quest: Quest Icon.png Knowledge Sleuth.


The Restricted Section is located inside the Library in Kilima Village


Juggling 101:

Juggling 101 by Sir Rodrick Pennybottom
 «  Vol. 8: Romantic Partners  » 

Now that you have no doubt become a world renowned clown, you likely have several admirers of the... how do I say, intimate variety? A lesser artist might decide amongst them and choose just one paramour. But not you, you're a JUGGLER! You can handle more than one relationship at once.

Just be sure that none of the pretty young things that have captivated your interest happen to know each other. While this may result in a good time, nine times out of ten, you're gonna be worse for wear than that time your juggling chapaas banded together against you and built a dam around your house, forcing you to live off nothing but juggling soup for a week.

Selections from Late Cataclysm Era Human Mythology:

The Epic of Mudan:


