Rooted in Place

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Rooted in Place is a Main quest automatically bestowed upon completion of Quest Icon.png Up in the Air.


Only one Temple remains. Perhaps the Gardener can give the answers that have thus far eluded you.


Part 1

↷ Ask The Gardener about the intruder.

Part 2

The Gardener does not seem interested in cooperating. In order to get information from him, you must do him a favor first. He's asked you to place a Garden Hub in Bahari Bay for him.


Part 3

Now that you've placed the hub, speak with it to contact the Gardener.

Part 4

The Gardener's next stop is the Temple of the Gales. Place a hub in the sppot he described and then speak with him there.

↷ Speak to The Gardener in the Gales.

Part 5

The Gardener's next stop is Kilima Village. Place a hub in the spot he described and then speak with him there.

↷ Speak with The Gardener in Kilima.

Part 6

Now that you've completed what the Gardener's asked of you, return to the Temple of the Roots with the hub and speak to him there.

Part 7

The Gardener has informed you that he met the intruder you've been tracking, but they have since fled after unsuccessfully attempting to hack the Gardener's Flowwalls. Reconvene with Subira to discuss one final time.


At Quest Completion


  1. Head to Bahari Bay and enter the Temple of the Roots.
  2. Once inside, speak with Subira.
  3. Make your way to The Gardener either by using the flowgates or by walking through the Temple. Next, talk to him.
  4. Once you have collected the Gardener's Hub Gardener's Hub, make your way to Pulsewater Plains
    1. You can place the Gardener's Hub Gardener's Hub just below the large tree on the ground.
  5. Next, travel to the Temple of the Gales and make your way to the main island.
    1. Head to the area where the flowstone gate and the big nest is. If you look to your left, there is a small floating island, you can get here by taking the gust of wind just behind the flowstone gate and floating up to it. Once on top, you can place the Gardener's Hub Gardener's Hub on the glowing indicator.
  6. Next, travel to Kilima Valley.
    1. The Gardener's Hub Gardener's Hub can be placed just outside of the entrance to City Hall overlooking the Blacksmith.
  7. Finally, return to the Temple of the Roots in Bahari Bay and head to The Gardener.

Dialogue and Mail


Upon speaking with Subira inside the Temple of the Roots.

The last Temple. I understand you, Einar, and Hekla made contact with the Galdur who supposedly runs this place.
If this Gardener is as all-seeing as you say, then he must know if someone has passed through.
You and he are already acquainted, so I think it's best if you lead the conversation.


Optional: Upon speaking with Subira prior to speaking with The Gardener.

The secrets this Gardener must hold, ancient as he is.
Unfortunately, he seems loathe to share.
One must wonder if there is something in all Galdurs' runeworking that prevents them from speaking such things aloud.

Upon speaking with The Gardener.

Missing dialogue for Earth, Air, and Fire paths.
The Gardener
State your business. I have already had my time wasted once today.

So, someone WAS just here?
The Gardener
That information is confidential. Please show me proper identification.

You know me!
The Gardener

I don't have any...
The Gardener
Then I suggest you vacate the premises. I am occupied.

Occupied with what?
The Gardener
I am watching the shrubs in the Atrium grow.

Your garden can wait.
The Gardener

Tell me who came before me.
The Gardener

Oh, y'know. Just hangin'.
The Gardener

Looking for a mysterious stranger!
The Gardener
All of you mortals are 'strange' to me. Especially the purple ones.
Now, I suggest you vacate the premises. I am occupied.

Occupied with what?
The Gardener
I am watching the shrubs in the Atrium grow.

Your garden can wait.
The Gardener

All I need is a description.
The Gardener

Why are you being so difficult?
The Gardener
You are asking for assistance and offer nothing in exchange. I believe the Humans would have called this 'rude'.
However, if you were to consider my offer a trade, perhaps I could reconsider.

Sounds boring.
The Gardener

I guess I'll try something else...
The Gardener
Perhaps you and I can some to an agreement. I have information you desire, and you can provide me with something I desire.

What do you want?
The Gardener
As you should be aware, I am able to interface with any hub on my network.
However, all currently active hubs are confined within the Garden.
To put it simply, I find myself... affected by the doldrum nature of my continuous existence.

So, what, you want people to watch?
The Gardener

Can't you talk to the other Galdurs?
The Gardener
I do not wish to engage in socializing. I wish to silently observe. Alone.

I don't get it.
The Gardener
... I am bored. I would like you to fix it.

That's called boredom, bud.
The Gardener

I will provide you with a hub connected to the Flow network. You will place this hub somewhere entertaining.
Should I find myself entertained enough, I will give you the answers you seek.

I guess I don't have a choice.
The Gardener

Seems fair! Let's do this!
The Gardener
Yes, Humans often enjoy equivalent exchanges of goods and services for the benefit of both.

This is pretty urgent...
The Gardener
Then you should complete your task promptly

Sure, I've got time. Probably.
The Gardener

I would like to see how the land outside of the Garden has changed. Place my hub somewhere high up, with a view of the area.
Ensure there is a view of the Aqueduct, if it still stands.

Optional: Upon speaking with Subira after speaking with The Gardener.

I heard your conversation with the Gardener.
It appears we must entertain his requests. At least, you must.
I will remain here and look for any other evidence.
Make haste. Every moment longer is another the intruder may use to escape.

Upon speaking with The Gardener in Bahari Bay.

The Gardener
I see. Based on the map I have in my data stores, this was once the heart of a bustling Human city.
Over there were the shipyards, and here the atrium... The aqueduct brought Flow from the power plant wherever it was needed.
Now, this area is quiet.
Very well. The Silverwing Labs are next. Ensure I can observe every island in the area.

Upon speaking with The Gardener in the Temple of the Gales.

The Gardener
The Silverwing population remains intact, though many have migrated in the intervening years.
And the islands remain upright. We shall see how long Human ingenuity can last when they finally fall.
I have completed my survey of the area. Take me to the University now.
I believe the constructor Einar refers to it as "Kilima".
Somewhere that I may observe these new purple entities your caretaker calls Majiri.

Upon speaking with The Gardener in Kilima Village.

Missing dialogue for Earth, and Air paths.
The Gardener
Allow me to observe.
The tall one with the strange hair. Why do they keep excreting sadness liquid from their ocular ducts every five minutes?

Oh, Jel? Yeah, he does that.
The Gardener

Making art can be overwhelming.
The Gardener
Art. An illogical waste of limited time mortals have on this planet.
Why does he not simply pick a less maddening profession?
Many Humans I observed during my time also displayed the same illogical behavior.

Yeah, Jel needs therapy.
The Gardener

You could ask!
The Gardener
I highly doubt that culture has changed so much in the years that approaching a stranger and urging them to divulge personal information is considered acceptable.
And I have no desire to "make friends". I have no need of them.

The Gardener
The... short fuzzy creature, with the gold. Is that also a type of Majiri, or some sort of evolved Kitsuu?

Hah! I'll tell Zeki you said that.
The Gardener

That's Zeki. He's a Grimalkin.
The Gardener

I'm not actually sure what Grimalkins are.
The Gardener
Grimalkins... ah. Your constructor had information about them in his runeworkings.
An alien species that came to Palia four hundred years ago on a crashlanded 'superyacht'.
They appear to have integrated well into modern society.

I think he's technically an alien?
The Gardener
An alien species... Ah. Your constructor has information about them in his runeworkings. "Grimalkins".
They came to Palia four hundred years ago on a crashlanded 'superyacht'.
They appear to have integrated well into modern society.

The Gardener
So there are more intelligent species. Some similar in appearance to the Humans, and ones less so.
All functioning in harmony. Unaware of the loss they have constructed their towns on top of.
...You may bring the Hub back to the Garden now. I will provide you the information you seek.

Optional: Upon speaking with Subira after returning to the Temple of the Roots.

You are done? Excellent work. Hopefully the Gardener will give us the information we need now.

Upon speaking with The Gardener in the Temple of the Roots.

The Gardener
The world outside the Garden has changed in many ways... and in others, remained the same.
Illogical actions, petty dramas, nonsensical architectural styles...
And no new Galdur, for now we lack the ability to create more. A dwindling supply of guardians.
However, I still remain, as do the secrets I safekeep.
An intruder came into the Garden just before you, yes. They were heavily cloaked, and bypassed all my security measures using Flow.
They sought to disengage the Cosmos Protocol. As I am the administrative console within the Garden, they required my permission.
I did not grant it. There are certain requirements that must be active to override the last lock on the Protocol. They are not currently met.

Who were they?
The Gardener
As I stated earlier, they were heavily cloaked, both with cloth and Flow. When they spoke, their voice was distorted.
I have been programmed to understand these factors imply their intentions are less than pure.

What is the Cosmos Protocol?
The Gardener
You do not have the correct authorization to obtain that information.
What I can divulge is that it was set in place as a contingency plan, should things go awry.

What happened next?
The Gardener
The intruder attempted to use their authority to override my protocols.
By which I mean they tried to break through my Flowwalls to disable to protocol themselves.
They were forced to stop, I assume when they sensed you and the other one approaching.
By the time I recovered, you were standing before my main hub, and the intruder fled through the back doors.
I... appreciate the time you have bought me. As you placed the Hub outside, I took the liberties of upgrading my Flowwalls to better protect against the vulnerabilities that were exposed.
...You may now vacate the premises.


Upon speaking with Subira.

Missing dialogue for Air and Fire paths.
They were right under our noses, and I missed it.
It is a relief to hear the Protocol remains intact, but that does little to ease the sting of failure.
There is no trail to follow from here. They must have finally figured out how to cloak themselves from me.
I do, however, have a few ideas on how to proceed.

Give up and party?
We can do that after we finish our duties, and not a minute before.
No, as I mentioned before, I have a... suspect in mind for our intruder.

You mentioned suspects.
Yes, I did. And I have some thoughts on who it might be.

We know they are not a resident of Kilima Village, or someone who spends any meaningful amount of time there.
We also know they are well versed in the use of Flow, and are capable of carving their own Runestones.
And we also know they are looking to keep a low profile, and stay under the nose of the Order.
Either they are an outside interloper who somehow discovered the existence of these Temples, or...

Or it's Najuma!
I was thinking perhaps the alchemist who lives isolated in the Northern Bay, but yes. I suppose the teenage girl is also a suspect.

Or it's Tamala.

Or it's ALIENS!

Who do you think it was?

When I first arrived in Kilima, I made it a point to introduce myself to everyone at the welcome party.
Tamala was in attendance. She seemed reluctant to divulge any personal information, and spoke in circles about her profession.
It was as if she thought herself a palcat, and I the shiprunt under her paw.

It seems a little too obvious...
Perhaps, but I have learned that criminals are often quite obvious about their activities.
But you have done more than enough work for me already, (Player).

We'll need more evidence to convict.
You are correct, but it is a new direction to take the investigation.
You have done more than enough work for me already, (Player).

Still think it was aliens.

It will be better if I take the next part of this alone, so as not to tip her, or any other suspects, off.
You've proven yourself an invaluable partner. Should I have any updates, I will ensure you are the first to know.
Take care of yourself until then, yes?


Update History

Build 0.186:

  • Introduced.