Parıldayan Kırkayak

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Bu sayfa Scintillating Centipede sayfasının çevrilmiş sürümü ve çeviri %7 tamamlandı.

The Scintillating Centipede is a Rare bug in Palia.


A rare centipede with a shiny hard shell.

–In-Game Item Description

How to Obtain

Bug Catching

Scintillating Centipedes have a 5% chance to spawn when breaking Stone, Iron, or Palium nodes anywhere in Bahari Bay, including inside the Pavel Mines.

Scintillating Centipedes can also be occasionally be found naturally on top of cliffs and mesas in south Bahari Bay, including Hideaway Bluffs and near the Windy Ruins during any time of day.


Because they spawn after a node has been broken, Scintillating Centipedes will immediately attempt to flee in a straight line away from the player. They are relatively fast, so players should quickly switch to their Belt to throw Smoke Bombs before they disappear.


There is a chance the Scintillating Centipede will drop the following item when caught:


Scintillating Centipede is not known to be rewarded by any means.


Current weekly wants of Parıldayan Kırkayak for Ocak 20, 2025 - Ocak 26, 2025

Villagers who like Parıldayan Kırkayak:


Scintillating Centipede is used in the following Quests:



Parıldayan Kırkayak is not used in any Bundles.


Starred versions of this bug can be placed as a decor.

Terrarium size: 5x4 (Medium, Rectangular)

Experience from catching Scintillating Centipede counts towards the following Accomplishments:

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Update History

Build 0.180:

  • Values increased:
    • Base: 120 --> 130 Gold
    • SQ.png Quality: 180 --> 195 Gold