Spotted Mantis/de

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The Spotted Mantis is a Selten bug in Palia.


A rare mantis with a beautiful set of spots.

–Gegenstandsbeschreibung im Spiel

Although it can be difficult to tell them apart from the Common Field Crickets at a distance, Spotted Mantises can be distinguished up close by their lightly-colored bodies and dark spots along their backs.

Diesen Gegenstand erhalten


Spotted Mantises can be found at any time of day exclusively around Maji's Hollow in Kilima-Tal. Due to this very specific spawn location it is one of the most difficult rare bugs to locate in Palia.


The Spotted Mantis is alerted by player movement and Smoke Bombs, and will attempt to flee. Spotted Mantises pause briefly after hopping away a short distance, so players should use this time to throw additional Smoke Bombs as the Spotted Mantis attempts to escape.


There is a chance the Spotted Mantis will drop the following item when caught:


Spotted Mantis is not known to be rewarded by any means.


Current weekly wants of Spotted Mantis for 9. Dezember 2024 - 15. Dezember 2024
  • Nobody

Spotted Mantis ist immer ein gutes Geschenk für folgende Dorfbewohner*innen:

The following use Any Bug as an ingredient:

  • QualityUp Fertilizer QualityUp Fertilizer


Spotted Mantis is used in the following Quests:

Gefundener Gegenstand

  • Quest Icon.png Old Friends


Dieser Gegenstand wird in keinem Paket benötigt.


In Sternenqualität kann dieses Insekt als Dekoration platziert werden.

Größe des Terrariums: 5x4 (Mittelgroß, Rechteckig)

Experience from catching Spotted Mantis counts towards the following Accomplishments:

Ähnliche Gegenstände



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