Starstone Wallpapers/zh-cn

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本页是页面Starstone Wallpapers翻译版本,翻译工作已完成8%。

Starstone Wallpapers is a collection of wallpapers that are obtained through gift-giving in 帕利亚.

The collection contains 20 color variations of a smooth surfaced wall, not un-similar to paint.


After giving most Villagers a gift for the first time, they will later visit the Player's Housing Plot to deliver a Wallpaper that matches their Luna Sign.

  • Some NPCs will not give a wallpaper:

The Collection

Villager Wallpaper  
Ashura Profile.png 阿舒亚 Inky Onyx Stucco Wall Inky Onyx Stucco Wall
Auni Profile.png 奥尼 Sandy Citrine Stucco Wall Sandy Citrine Stucco Wall
Badruu Profile.png 巴德鲁 Steel Sapphire Stucco Wall Steel Sapphire Stucco Wall
Caleri Profile.png 卡莱里 Icy Aquamarine Stucco Wall Icy Aquamarine Stucco Wall
Chayne Profile.png 查恩 Smoky Quartz Stucco Wall Smoky Quartz Stucco Wall
Delaila Profile.png 德莱拉 Rosy Garnet Stucco Wall Rosy Garnet Stucco Wall
Elouisa Profile.png 艾路易莎 Sea Aquamarine Stucco Wall Sea Aquamarine Stucco Wall
Eshe Profile.png 艾希 Blushing Ruby Stucco Wall Blushing Ruby Stucco Wall
Hassian Profile.png 哈桑 Leafy Emerald Stucco Wall Leafy Emerald Stucco Wall
Hodari Profile.png 奥达里 Peachy Garnet Stucco Wall Peachy Garnet Stucco Wall
Jel Profile.png 耶尔 Dark Sapphire Stucco Wall Dark Sapphire Stucco Wall
Jina Profile.png 吉娜 Mossy Emerald Stucco Wall Mossy Emerald Stucco Wall
Kenli Profile.png 肯利 Sunny Jasper Stucco Wall Sunny Jasper Stucco Wall
Kenyatta Profile.png 肯雅塔 Light Amethyst Stucco Wall Light Amethyst Stucco Wall
Nai'o Profile.png 奈奥 Earthy Jasper Stucco Wall Earthy Jasper Stucco Wall
Najuma Profile.png 纳洁玛 Cloudy Quartz Stucco Wall Cloudy Quartz Stucco Wall
Reth Profile.png 雷斯 Sunset Citrine Stucco Wall Sunset Citrine Stucco Wall
Sifuu Profile.png 西芙 Wine Garnet Stucco Wall Wine Garnet Stucco Wall
Tamala Profile.png 塔玛拉 Royal Amethyst Stucco Wall Royal Amethyst Stucco Wall
Tish Profile.png 缇茜 Standard Stucco Wall Standard Stucco Wall





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