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此模板已有关联或子模板: Template:CookingInfobox


Creates an infobox to be used for cooking recipes/food/items.

Please note that |title= and |image= are not required because the template will pull information automatically based off of the item's page name.

Templates used to fill CookingInfobox


 |desc         = <!-- Please enter the In-Game Item Description here. -- While desc does not appear in the infobox, it is used by scripts in the page and across the wiki. -->
 |category     = Consumable <!-- the item's category in-game -->
 |group        = Dishes <!-- the more general group name that Palians and Players may refer to -->
 |rarity       = <!-- the item's in-game rarity -->
 |requires     = <!-- may not be available until a certain condition is met, like a quest: [[Quest Name]], or a skill level: {{skill|___|#}} -->
 |obtain       = {{costlist|___}}
 |recipeobtain = {{costlist|___}} <!-- OR blank if not craftable -->
 |crafter      = <!-- Enter the name of the starting station -->
 |action       = <!-- One of: Baking, Chopping, Flipping, Rolling, Stirring -->
 |cooktime     = <!-- Time Limit for cooking the dish -->
 |ingredients  = {{ItemList|___}} <!-- OR blank if not craftable -->
 |focus        = 
 |sqfocus      = 
 |value        = 
 |sqvalue      = 
 |minxp        = 
 |maxxp        = 
 |needed       = 

Cleaner version:

 |desc         = 
 |category     = Consumable
 |group        = Dishes
 |rarity       = 
 |requires     = 
 |obtain       = {{costlist|___}}
 |recipeobtain = {{costlist|___}}
 |crafter      = 
 |action       = 
 |cooktime     = 
 |ingredients  = {{ItemList|___}}
 |focus        = 
 |sqfocus      = 
 |value        = 
 |sqvalue      = 
 |minxp        = 
 |maxxp        = 
 |needed       = 


 |desc         = Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam vel placerat quam.
 |category     = Consumable
 |group        = Dishes
 |rarity       = rare
 |requires     = {{skill|Cooking|4}}
 |obtain       = {{costlist|Skill=Cooking|Stamp Card=Get In My Belly!}}
 |recipeobtain = {{costlist|Quest=Cooking 101}}
 |crafter      = Prep Station
 |cooktime     = 5m
 |ingredients  = {{ItemList
  |Shell = 1
  |Chapaa Meat = 3
  |Spice Sprouts = 1
  |Wild Garlic = 153
 |focus        = 153
 |sqfocus      = 324
 |value        = 146
 |sqvalue      = 321
 |needed       = Used in ''all'' the quests

Intermediate Ingredient

 |desc = Sweet leaf ground into a sugar suitable for cooking.
 |group        = Intermediate Ingredients
 |rarity       = 
 |crafter      = Mixing Station
 |action       = Stirring
 |ingredients  = {{ItemList
  |Sweet Leaf = 1
 |value        = 
