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Diese Seite ist eine übersetzte Version der Seite Template:Costlist und die Übersetzung ist zu 95 % abgeschlossen sowie aktuell.
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Diese Vorlage hat existierende Verwandte oder Untervorlagen: Template:Costlist

{{costlist}} is used to transform a list of obtains into a nice list for Infoboxes, and is expected to be used by DPL3 expressions.

When listing a cost for an item, you must format it using the {{cost}} template, or it will just appear as a boring number. Due to the fact that multiple types of currency exist in Palia, there was no way to automate this part of the template without making an editors job tedious/complex.


  • Note: You cannot have the same place listed more than once, it will only show the last instance of the place.
|place name={{cost|price|currency}}
Other Variations
|Quest=quest title
|Accomplishment=accomplishment title
|Other=a thing or to-do that has no cost other than itself
|Skill=Cooking / Gardening / Mining / Furniture Making / Foraging ...

Some Examples

{{costlist Appears As:
|Material Store={{cost|2000}}
  • Gold.png 2.000 Gold
|Furniture Making Guild={{cost|980|Furniture Making}}
  • Currency Furniture.png 980 Tischler-Medaillen
|The Underground={{cost|10000}}
  • Gold.png 10.000 Gold
|Zeki's Wondrous Machine={{LuckyBox}}
Zekis wundersame Maschine
  • Lucky Box.png Möglicher Preis
|Accomplishment=Master Bug Catcher
Errungenschaft - Meister-Insektenfänger
|Quest=Welcome to Palia
Quest - Willkommen bei Palia
|Other=Treasure Chests

Examples on this page are not exhaustive, but here are a few more to get the ideas flowing

Other=Treasure Chests
Other=Waterlogged Chest