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Tämä on käännetty versio sivusta Template:FurnitureInfobox, ja käännös on 31 % valmis.
Mallin dokumentaatio
Huom. joitain osia mallin esimerkistä ei välttämättä näy ilman annettuja arvoja.
Katsele tai muokkaa tätä dokumentaatiota. (Mallin dokumentaatiosta)
This template adds rows to the table "Items", which is declared by the template ItemTable. View table.
Muokkaajat voivat tehdä testejä tämän mallin sandboxissa ja testisivulla.

Tälle mallille on sukulaissivuja tai alamalleja: Template:FurnitureInfobox
Please note that |title= and |image= are not required because the template will pull information automatically based off of the item's page name.

Templates used to fill FurnitureInfobox


{{FurnitureInfobox <!-- Box will pull box title and item icon based on the page name, IF files exist and the page is correctly named. -->
 |desc         = <!-- Please enter the In-Game Item Description here. -- While desc does not appear in the infobox, it is used by scripts in the page and across the wiki. -->
 |category     = <!-- the item's category in-game -->
 |rarity       = <!-- the item's in-game rarity -->
 |set          = <!-- Furniture Set's short name, no brackets -->
 |modcost      = <!-- just the number -->
 |event        = <!-- Event Name -->
 |placement    = <!-- ONE of: Ceiling, Wall, Wallpaper, Flooring, Floor, Flexible, Outdoor, Roof -- see [Placement Catalog] for definitions -->
 |catalog      = <!-- word list separated by commas -- please see [Item Catalog] for inspiration on defining the furniture -->
 |obtain       = {{costlist|___}} <!-- please refer to {costlist} template for instructions -->
 |recipeobtain = <!-- {{costlist|___}} OR leave blank if not craftable -->
 |ingredients  = <!-- {{ItemList|___}} OR blank if not craftable, refer to {ItemList} template for instructions -->
 |minxp        = <!-- minimum experience earned by crafting the item, just the number -->
 |maxxp        = <!-- maximum experience earned by crafting the item, just the number --> 

If you dont want all the comments, a clean version:

 |desc         = 
 |category     = 
 |rarity       = 
 |set          = 
 |modcost      = 
 |event        = 
 |placement    = 
 |catalog      = 
 |obtain       = {{costlist|___}}
 |recipeobtain = {{costlist|___}} <!-- OR blank if not craftable -->
 |ingredients  = {{ItemList|___}} <!-- OR blank if not craftable -->
 |minxp        = 
 |maxxp        = 

Notes on Syntax

  • |placement= One of: Ceiling, Wall, Wallpaper, Flooring, Floor, Flexible, Outdoor, Roof, or leave blank for Uncategorized.
  • |catalog= This is used for adding categories to the page, please list as many as relevant, separated by commas.
  • |title= This can be used if an override is necessary.
  • |image= This can be used to specify an image if an image of the page's name is not relevant.
  • |desc= In-Game Item Description. desc does not appear in the infobox, but it is used by scripts in the individual pages.

Sample 1

 |category     = Decor
 |rarity       = uncommon
 |set          = Capital Chic <!-- no need to include brackets -->
 |modcost      = 4 <!-- just the number -->
 |event        = Maji Market <!-- no need to include brackets -->
 |placement    = floor <!-- used for categories -->
 |catalog      = seating <!-- used for categories -->
 |obtain       = {{costlist
                  |Furniture Store = {{cost|5730}}
                  |Skill = Furniture Making
 |recipeobtain = Inspiration
 |ingredients  = {{ItemList
                  |Heartwood Plank = 25
                  |Silk = 6
                  |Plant Fiber = 20
                  |Spice Sprouts = 1

(Capital Chic Armchair was forced in this sample.)

Sample 2

 |category     = [[Decor]]
 |rarity       = common
 |set          = Makeshift
 |modcost      = 3
 |event        = [[Maji Market]]
 |placement    = floor
 |catalog      = rug
 |obtain       = {{costlist|The Underground={{cost|1060}}|Maji Market={{cost|1240}}}}
 |recipeobtain = <!-- leave blank if not craftable -->
 |ingredients  = <!-- leave blank if not craftable -->

(Makeshift Chapaa Hide Rug was forced in this sample.)

Sample 3

 |title = Sample 3
 |image = up.png
 |recipeobtain = {{costlist|Furniture Making Guild={{cost|100}}|other=Inspiration}}
 |ingredients = Information needed.
 |catalog = seating,table,shelf
 |placement = ceiling

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