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此模板已有关联或子模板: Template:FurnitureModification


This template is used for wiki pages about customization items in Palia.

If a furniture item is only available in one style, meaning it cannot be modified, you can still use this template.


Place {{FurnitureModification}} under the Modification section of a furniture page.

This template will check the {{FurnitureInfobox}} for a |modcost= and display information about possible modifications, or state that the item is not modifiable.

If modifiable:

  • Insert the tabber and default urls for alternate colors of the item in question based on the page title. No other information is required.
  • Ensure that in-game images uploaded to the wiki are scaled down to no larger than 256 pixels wide or 256 pixels tall.

Sample 1

Lets say the following was entered on the item page for Makeshift Wardrobe.

== Modification ==

The below would appear under the Modification heading where the template was entered.


Please note that Makeshift Wardrobe data was forced to appear in this sample since this page is called FurnitureModification.

Sample 2

Placing the code on a page that does not have related modification images will result in the following:

可以使用家具改装套件 100 家具改装套件改造台 改造台上对FurnitureModification进行改造。家具改造包的使用量因物品而异,并取决于家具的大小。家具改造包能在Furniture Store材料商店里购买,费用为Gold.png 100 Gold

Example Default Ingame.png

Example Autumn Ingame.png

Example Berry Ingame.png

Example Calathea Ingame.png

Example Classic Ingame.png

Example Shore Ingame.png

Default placement images will be used because FurnitureModification Default Ingame.png does not exist.

No Modification

Placing the code on a page that does not have a modcost (is not modifiable) will result in the following:
