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Dit is een vertaalde versie van de pagina Template:Relationship. De vertaling is voor 100% voltooid.
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{{Relationship}} is a translation template for outputting common relationships



Parameters Beschrijving
name The name of the character in the relationship
relation The relationship between the character and the one referenced in the page/section.
  • The following (case-insensitive) values support Translation. If a non-standard relationship is used instead input a ‎<translate>...‎</translate> tag.
  • husband, wife, son, daughter, father, mother, brother, sister, employer, employee, shepp, shepp to, friend, long-time friend, former lover
status The status of the character being mentioned
  • - if the character is deceased
  • unknown if status is unknown
  • 0 if the character doesn't exist, or isn't well known enough to have their own page (Disables linking)


  • {{Relationship||Mother}} -> Naamloos (Moeder)
  • {{Relationship||Father}} -> Naamloos (Vader)
  • {{Relationship|Delaila|Wife}} -> Delaila (Echtgenote)
  • {{Relationship|Sabine|Wife|-}} -> Sabine † (Echtgenote)
  • {{Relationship|Zeki|long-time friend}} -> Zeki (Oude Vriend)
  • {{Relationship|Zeki|friend}} -> Zeki (Vriend)
  • {{Relationship|Zeki|???}} -> Zeki (???)
  • {{Relationship|Sifuu|Shepp}} -> Sifuu (Shepp)