El Jugador
El Jugador es el personaje jugable. Junto con el resto de Jugadores, son los únicos Human residentes en Valle de Kilima
Después de personalizar la apariencia del el Jugador, este aparece desde una luz brillante y morada en el santuario de la Cascada de la diosa Fénix. Actualmente, no se sabe nada más sobre la implicación del Jugador con la humanidad.
The Player's appearance can be changed at any time during gameplay by visiting a wardrobe, either on their own plot, the Tailor in Kilima Village, or at the Central Stables by Ancient Aquaduct in Bahari Bay. See Character Customization for a preview of every customization option in-game.
Currently, the options available for customization are:
- Body type
- Skin tone
- Makeup
- Voice
- Face shape
- Hair
- Hair color (primary and secondary)
- Eyebrow color
- Hair pattern
- Face accessory
- Outfit top
- Outfit bottom
After the initial customization at the start of the game, the options available for customization are:
- Hair
- Hair color (primary and secondary)
- Eyebrow color
- Hair pattern
- Face accessory
- Outfit top
- Outfit bottom
- Makeup
- Glider
Inside of the Inventory menu, there are six slots for additional customization:
The Player can build their own schedule. For now, they do not sleep at all.
The Player, due to the circumstances of their arrival, quickly builds a friendly relationship with Jina. Simply completing her story quests provides quite a lot of progress in befriending her, while the other residents of Kilima Village definitely require more attention in the form of daily chats and gifting. The difference is not enormous, although noticeable.
Speaking with villagers, gifting items, and completing quests raises the Friendship level between The Player and villagers. Some can also be asked to become The Player's Shepp once Friendship 4 and/or Romance 3 is reached. The Player can also be polyamorous and romance all eligible villagers at the same time, although they can only show the status of two relationships at once via wearing pins.
The Player can also obtain a pet through the Premium Store; they are entirely cosmetic, aside from the Drake and the Ferris, which perform a trick when using the Trick Emote.
The Player can build and change their own personality by following one of the four archetypes: Air,
Fire, and
Water. The one chosen the most in dialogue will be displayed in the Inventory menu, and villagers will comment on it in dialogue.
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Objetos | Gatherables • Bugs • Peces • Creatures • Crops • Mobiliario • Lista de Atuendos • Cofres del tesoro • Paquetes • Materials • Comidas • Objetos de misión |
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Mecánicas de Juego | El Jugador • Guía:Controles del Juego • Player Menu • Inventory • Herramientas • Moneda • Focus • Misiones • Logros • Social Panel • Parcela de Vivienda • Crafters • Regalos • Amistad • Romance • Emotes • Home Tours |
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