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Trading is a game mechanic that allows Players to exchange Plushies and Potato Pods with each other in real time.

How to Unlock

In order to trade, the Player must first visit The Underground and complete the Quest Icon.png Trading Tips quest.

Trading preview from Build 0.185's Patch Notes.

How to Trade

Following completion of the Quest Icon.png Trading Tips quest, Players can head to the Underground Black Market and trade freely. Try out the new "Come Here" emote to attract players for a potential trade. Then approach a trading kiosk to make an offer of between one and three Potato Pods or Plushes.

Players that match with another Palian's trade proposal will swap the items on offer; and voilà, your items will be traded.

Related Accomplishments

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Important: Carrying the trade items in the Player's Backpack is not necessary. As long as they are in the Storage Chests, they can be used in a trade offer. So, to protect an item from potentially being traded away, make sure to keep it in Locked Storage or on display on a Housing Plot.

Update History

Build 0.185:

  • Introduced.