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I am a 30+, UK-based player with way too much time on my hands. I'm a scientist at heart so I'm doing a lot of background work with stats. It's helping to keep my brain active a bit since I'm not currently working due to ill health and disability (thanks, multiple autoimmune issues - I totally didn't need those joints, or my thyroid, or adrenal glands...).

I have been playing since March 2024 (Steam won't tell me the exact date any more), and have racked up just short of 800 hours as of 17th September 2024.

I play with a controller rather than keyboard and mouse, so I'm not very active in the chat, but I'll always help out where I can.

While English is the only language I'm fluent in, I have bits and pieces of French, German, and Welsh too.

My Skill Levels

Last updated on September 23, 2024.

Skill Level
Fishing Fishing 51
Cooking Cooking 32
Gardening Gardening 76
Mining Mining 62
Hunting Hunting 23
Bug Catching Bug Catching 22
Foraging Foraging 47
Furniture Making Furniture Making 21
Total Level 327

Pin(s) I'm Currently Wearing

Other Pins I have

Star Quality Fish I still need

  • Ancient Fish Ancient Fish
  • Chub Chub
  • Cutthroat Trout Cutthroat Trout
  • Dawnray Dawnray
  • Duskray Duskray - caught 20th September 2024
  • Fairy Carp Fairy Carp
  • Giant Goldfish Giant Goldfish
  • Honey Loach Honey Loach - caught 20th September 2024
  • Stormray Stormray - caught 21st September 2024
  • Swordfin Eel Swordfin Eel
  • Thundering Eel Thundering Eel
  • Void Ray Void Ray
  • Willow Lamprey Willow Lamprey


A screenshot of a complete set of Starstones, displayed in a Homestead Bookcase
My completed Starstone collection

I finally collected my final Star Quality Starstone - an Emerald Emerald - on Monday 16th September 2024. So, so many mined nodes...

Star Quality Bugs I still need

Accomplishments still to be accomplished

Plushes I own


Hunting Creatures




Potato Pods

Potato Pods I Have

Palia Tools & Quick References

Easy-view In-game Clock

This is a tiny little file that will run on any browser, including (especially) mobile. It shows an easily-readable in-game clock, with changing background colours to make it easier to tell at a glance what time of day it is.

V3 has been released on 21st September 2024, with added symbols to depict the time of day alongside the background colour.

(in theory, I'd run this on an actual webpage, but I'm kind of in dispute with my DNS right now so I don't have any active webspace to put it. But I'm hopeful that v4 will run independently.)


The Epic Spreadsheet of Epicness

I'll be honest: this started out as me trying to figure out how to earn money the fastest from gardening. It kind of escalated from there, and probably now needs splitting up. The current tally of tabs is:

  • Crops: what to do with them to make the most money, or the fastest money (sometimes it's different, what with delays in turning into seeds or preserves).
  • Fish: a sortable list of all the currently available Fish, where and when to find them, tank size, how much they sell for, how much their grilled versions sell for...
  • Bugs: much the same as the Fish, but for bugs.
  • Forageables: yeah, you get the idea
  • Till drops: what I've managed to uncover when tilling soil.
  • Other drops: things spit up by other things:-
    • the Ancient Rock Garden
    • the Ancient Galdur Statue
    • opened Unopened Oysters
    • Lucky Boxes (this is a really new thing, very much a WIP)
    • Bushes: how much plant fiber & sapwood you get from each
    • (If I start playing Hotpot enough to do the prize wheel thing, I'll probably add those here too, but I don't really play it so it'll probably never get any decent results. Honestly, the actual pot background makes me feel kind of queasy just looking at it)
  • Crafting: A broad-strokes overview of how much profit (or not, in one case) is made from the Smelters, Sawmills, Fabric Loom, and Glass Furnace.
  • Cooking income: a breakdown of just how much profit you make from cooking. Spoiler: you actually make a loss, unless it's grilled fish, grilled mushrooms, or congee. You know, things you only make one of at a time....
  • Meat: just an overspill tab for the Cooking, really, since there are differnet kinds of meat, and I wondered if they'd be different in terms of profit.
  • Worm farm outputs: exactly what it says on the tin. This is very much a WIP, but I'm systematically feeding pretty much anything I can to the worms to see just how much I can get out. So far, they seem to be more consistent than anything else in the game: never seems to be any variation. I mean, even the seed collectors give you bonus seeds sometimes...

Stuff I'm still working on

  • Bonus seeds from the Seed Collectors. Since I just mentioned it. Someone asked about this on Chat one day, and I got curious. You know how the seed collectors sometimes spit out standard seeds instead of star quality ones? I was trying to figure out what the odds are of getting the normal ones, and it turns out they're not a downgrade: they're bonus seeds.
    • This is part of the Epic spreadsheet, but it's not ready for public release just yet - I need to figure out how to display the results I'm getting - so it's currently hidden. Strictly, nothing down here is ready, but hey, what the heck. You might just be mad enough to want to delve into the depths of my insanity.

The rest of these are done as and when I feel like it. I do whichever I want to do on any given day.

  • Mining stats: these are being updated reasonably regularly onto the relevant pages. It's a massive task, so it got its own spreadsheet.
    • Proceed at your own risk - I'm reliably informed that unless I'm making a specific effort, sometimes my spreadsheets don't make sense to anyone else, and I haven't made the effort here.
    • I am recording specific locations and times of day I'm mining, but I haven't done anything with those data yet. I think the spreadsheet would have a nervous breakdown if I did while I'm still collecting data. It cries regularly enough as it is, and I haven't really noticed any particular difference to be honest.
  • Hunting stats: newer addition than the mining. I was getting annoyed at not always getting meat, or never seeming to get antlers or tails, so I wanted to see how often they actually drop.
    • Same disclaimers apply as to the Mining. This isn't yet big enough that it would cry if I asked it to break things down into specific times of day, but I'm not intending to as of yet. Maybe if I get really bored one day...
  • Fishing:This was kind of where the madness started, to be honest. I was trying to figure out exactly how "rare" Rare is, since it seems like some Rare things crop up pretty frequently, whereas some Uncommon things are downright mythical. And fishing seemed like the easiest place to start, for some reason. I think the reasoning was that it doesn't rely on specific spawning points, unlike everything else. And it actually kind of made me like fishing - I hated it before I started this. Maybe it's the ADHD - I needed something else to do to appreciate the tranquillity?

I have no intention of doing anything similar for bugs. I really, truly hate bug hunting. I'm doing it because I want to complete my star collection. And maybe the plushies. Maybe. But I'm not recording it, because I already have way too many things going on with the other stuff. The main spreadsheet and the Fishing I can run on a tablet, but the hunting and mining are too complicated to input without a keyboard so they're done on paper and the results transferred over afterwards. Bugs would be the same, with the silk/flower/plush drop rates: I think it would truly push me over the edge, and I'm clearly insane enough as it is.

Update Log

  • 23 September 2024
    • Updated levels & added screenshots for clock "app"
  • 21 September 2024
    • Updated caught fish
  • 17 September 2024
    • Created page