Willow Lamprey/ru

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The Willow Lamprey is a Редкий Fish in Palia.


A long, thin lamprey named after its similarity to the branches of a willow tree. Found in Bahari Bay rivers using worms at night.

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Как приобрести


Willow Lamprey can be caught in Bahari Rivers using Worms, at Night (9:00 PM - 3:00 AM).

Bahari Bay Rivers.png


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Комментарии: Info about whether the fish jumps, moving pattern and tips for jumping/difficult to catch fish. Doing research about this.
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Willow Lamprey is not known to be rewarded by any means.


Current weekly wants of Willow Lamprey for 9 декабрь 2024 - 15 декабрь 2024
  • Nobody

Жители, которым всегда нравится Willow Lamprey:

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The following use Any Rare Fish as an ingredient:

  • Tuning Fork Tuning Fork

The following require Willow Lamprey:

  • Kilima and Bahari Fish Collector
  • Master Kilima and Bahari Fish Collector


Willow Lamprey is not used in any Quests.


Willow Lamprey не используется ни в одном наборе.


Starred versions of this fish can be placed as a decor.

Aquarium size: 5x10 (Large, Rectangular)

Experience from catching Willow Lamprey counts towards the following Accomplishments:

  • Advanced Angler
  • Expert Angler
  • Master Angler
  • My First Rare Fish
  • Catching Fish

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