Winterlights Stripe Ornament

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The Winterlights Stripe Ornament is a Common Decor item from the Winter decor set that can be used to decorate the Player's Housing Plot.


Don't let this ornament's familiar pattern fool you. It is very inedible.

–In-Game Item Description

The Winterlights Stripe Ornament can be placed on the Winterlights Tree.

How to Obtain

Warning.png Winterlights Stripe Ornament is not currently obtainable in-game.

The Winterlights Stripe Ornament is craftable at the Worktable after the Player obtains the recipe.

Obtain the Recipe

Winterlights Stripe Ornament is a part of the limited time stock at the Winterlights Store found in Kilima Village during the Winterlights season. When available, you may purchase its recipe for the cost of: Gold.png 150 Gold.


Winterlights Stripe Ornament is not modifiable.


Winterlights Stripe Ornament is currently not known to be used by any Accomplishments, Crafting Recipes, or in Cooking.


Update History

Build 0.186:

  • Introduced.