Yardwork Decor/de

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Yardwork Decor is a collection of items that allows the Player to add landscaping to their Housing Plot.

Is your Home Plot design falling flat? Try switching up the terrain with the new Yardwork Decor collection! Add a dash of rugged charm that elevates your space - literally. The new terraces, rocks, logs, and pillars will shape your Home Plot with natural beauty and creative appeal.

Diesen Gegenstand erhalten

Each Yardwork Decor piece can be purchased with Gold Gold at the new Landscaping Store register, located in Kenli's Office on the second floor of City Hall.

Note: Players need to acquire all available Writs to unlock Landscaping Store purchases.


Icon Gegenstand Erhalten Seltenheit  
Yardwork Large Rock 1.png Yardwork Large Rock 1 Werftladen
  • Gold.png 2.250 Gold
Yardwork Large Rock 2.png Yardwork Large Rock 2 Werftladen
  • Gold.png 2.250 Gold
Yardwork Large Terrace.png Yardwork Large Terrace Werftladen
  • Gold.png 7.000 Gold
Yardwork Leafy Log.png Yardwork Leafy Log Werftladen
  • Gold.png 2.800 Gold
Yardwork Medium Terrace.png Yardwork Medium Terrace Werftladen
  • Gold.png 5.500 Gold
Yardwork Small Rock 1.png Yardwork Small Rock 1 Werftladen
  • Gold.png 1.000 Gold
Yardwork Small Rock 2.png Yardwork Small Rock 2 Werftladen
  • Gold.png 1.000 Gold
Yardwork Small Rock 3.png Yardwork Small Rock 3 Werftladen
  • Gold.png 1.000 Gold
Yardwork Small Terrace.png Yardwork Small Terrace Werftladen
  • Gold.png 4.000 Gold
Yardwork Stone Pillar.png Yardwork Stone Pillar Werftladen
  • Gold.png 1.500 Gold
Yardwork Wooden Pillar.png Yardwork Wooden Pillar Werftladen
  • Gold.png 1.500 Gold



Version 0.185:

  • Introduced.