Cooking Interface

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The Cooking Minigames

The Prep Station chopping minigame.

In order to successfully cook certain dishes, players must complete a series of minigames to prepare each individual ingredient before adding them to the final dish. These generally involve following a prompt on screen to perform a certain game action, such as hitting targets rhythmically in time to chop, or hold down a button to stir.

For rhythm minigames, the player must press or click in time with the rhythmic prompts on screen the required amount of times in a row. If a beat is missed, the action is considered failed and the player must start over.

Default interact buttons are (Left Click) on PC and (A button) on Switch.

At the Mixing Station

  • Mixing: Press/click and hold down the button until mixing meter is filled. Progress is reset if button is released early. It is also possible to quickly tap the button once and allow the meter to fill. Tapping again will reset progress.

At the Oven

  • Baking: Prepared ingredients are added to the oven and must be removed after a certain amount of time has passed before they burn.

At the Prep Station

  • Chopping: Prompt lines move across a chopping board from left to right, with a target zone on the right side. There will also be an audio cue to assist with the timing. Players can skip prompts without penalty. A chop attempt that misses the prompt line will cause the minigame to restart, though progress toward the required number of chops is saved.
  • Rolling: A prompt marker moves vertically up and down between two target zones. Click/press when the prompt is within the target.

At the Stove

Adding ingredients to a recipe and stirring
  • Flipping: Press/click and hold the button until the moving indicator lines up with the prompt. Button can be held through multiple rotations.
  • Stirring: Press/click and hold down the button until stirring meter is filled. Progress is reset if button is released early. It is also possible to quickly tap the button once and allow the meter to fill. Tapping again will reset progress. ("Tap-to-stir" may not work on the stove when there are multiple stoves active at once, or if there are many players participating in the recipe at the same time.)