Guide:Game Controls

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The default Game Controls are listed below. Key bindings can be adjusted in the Settings window under Control Settings, and up to two can be assigned per control.

There is currently limited controller support, with plans to add more in the future. [1]

Gameplay Controls

General Gameplay

Action PC Nintendo Switch Notes
Look Around Look around The Player. Cannot be unbound.
Move Forward / Move The Player forward. Cannot be unbound.
Move Left / Move The Player to the left. Cannot be unbound.
Move Backward / Move The Player backward. Cannot be unbound.
Move Right / Move The Player to the right. Cannot be unbound.
Primary Action Interact with menus, select items, use tools, etc. Cannot be unbound.
Secondary Action Perform additional actions on items in inventory, etc.
Interact Talk to Villagers, loot items, use crafting stations, etc. Cannot be unbound.
Secondary Interact View crop progress.
Sprint Makes The Player run.
Jump & Glide to jump

+ to use glider

to jump

+ to use glider

Makes The Player jump or glide.
Walk Makes The Player walk.
Auto Run + Makes The Player run automatically. Pressing any movement keys stops the player from auto running.
Tool Wheel Opens the Tool Wheel for The Player to equip Tools. Cannot be unbound.
Emote Wheel Opens the Emote Wheel for The Player to use Emotes. Tapping will play the center emote.
Toggle Housing Menu Opens the Housing Plot Menu for The Player to place Decor more accurately. Cannot be unbound.
Unequip Tool Unequips tools and other held items.
Cancel Climbing Cancels the climbing action.
Select Item Left
Select Item Right
Select Item Slot 1 Navigate with Equips the item currently in Slot 1 on the action bar.
Select Item Slot 2 Navigate with Equips the item currently in Slot 2 on the action bar.
Select Item Slot 3 Navigate with Equips the item currently in Slot 3 on the action bar.
Select Item Slot 4 Navigate with Equips the item currently in Slot 4 on the action bar.
Select Item Slot 5 Navigate with Equips the item currently in Slot 5 on the action bar.
Select Item Slot 6 Navigate with Equips the item currently in Slot 6 on the action bar.
Select Item Slot 7 Navigate with Equips the item currently in Slot 7 on the action bar.
Select Item Slot 8 Navigate with Equips the item currently in Slot 8 on the action bar.
Cycle Action Bar Row Cycles which action bar is currently shown.
Cycle Action Bar Row Cycles which action bar is currently shown.
Toggle Player Menu Opens the Player Menu for The Player to view the map, relationships, quest log, etc.
Toggle Inventory Tab / , hover "Inventory", then Quickly opens the Inventory tab.
Toggle Quests Tab , hover "Quests",


Quickly opens the Quests tab.
Toggle Map Tab Quickly opens the Map tab.
Toggle Relationships Tab , hover "Relationships", then Quickly opens the Relationships tab.
Toggle Community Tab , hover "Communities", then Quickly opens the Community tab.
Toggle Accomplishments Tab , hover "Accomplishments",


Quickly opens the Accomplishments tab.
Toggle Emotes Tab , hover "Collections", then Quickly opens the Emotes tab.
Toggle Social Panel , hover "Friends", "Camera", or "Requests", then Opens the Social Panel for The Player to view and add friends, as well as view and send requests.
Toggle Requests Tab , hover "Requests", then Quickly opens the Social Panel's Requests tab.
Equip Axe + Up Quickly equips the Axe.
Equip Pick + Upper Right Quickly equips the Pickaxe.
Equip Fishing Rod + Lower Right Quickly equips the Fishing Rod.
Equip Bow + Right Quickly equips the Bow.
Equip Belt + Lower Left Quickly equips the Belt.
Equip Watering Can + Upper Left Quickly equips the Watering Can.
Equip Hoe + Left Quickly equips the Hoe.
Place Map Marker on the Map menu Places a Map Marker which marks the current location (or hovered location in the Map) and places it on your compass.

Placement Mode

Action PC Nintendo Switch Notes
Toggle Placement Mode Toggles the Placement Mode for The Player to place decor and objects in front of them. Cannot be unbound.
Toggle Free Placement Mode Toggles the Placement Mode's grid on and off.
Lock X/Y Axis Locks the object being placed to a specific axis.

Housing Plot Mode

Action PC Nintendo Switch Notes
Clockwise Rotation Rotates the item being placed clockwise (to the left).
Counter-Clockwise Rotation Rotates the item being placed counter-clockwise (to the right).
Housing Camera Pan Up While in the Housing Menu, moves the camera up.
Housing Camera Pan Left While in the Housing Menu, moves the camera to the left.
Housing Camera Pan Down While in the Housing Menu, moves the camera down.
Housing Camera Pan Right While in the Housing Menu, moves the camera to the right.

Chat Tab & Emojis

Action PC Nintendo Switch Notes
Chat Box Opens Chat box
Swap Input

(Server, Party, Community, etc.)

or Changes chat channel:

Orange for Server, Yellow for Nearby, Green for Party, Blue for Whisper, and Purple for Community

Type Opens keyboard
Send Directly sends message to channel
Back Closes keyboard, Emoji Tab, and Chat Box
Navigate chat box messages or Scrolls the list of messages up or down
Emoji Tab Opens emoji selection
Navigate emojis or


Use to hover emojis
Select Emoji Selects target emoji to send
Send Emoji Sends emoji to channel

Map Controls

Action PC Nintendo Switch Notes
Toggle Map Tab Quickly opens the Map tab.
Premium Store Opens the Premium Store via Map
Zoom or Zoom in and out Map
Look Around Use to move target selector
Reset Location Press down Target selector resets back to Player icon
Housing Plot Shortcut Directly transports Player to Housing Plot. This shortcut can only be used again after 30 minutes
Drop Waypoint Places a marker on the map. Player can only mark one subject (Location marker, Villager, Stable, etc,) at a time. Marked subjects are also indicated in the in-game compass for easier navigation.


  • (Nintendo Switch) To change Tools Placement, Press to access MENU, select INVENTORY, and then press (ZR) button to go to TOOLS. Use the to hover tools, press to select which tool to move, choose which tool you want to switch it with and then press again.

  • (Nintendo Switch) To remove items from OVERFLOW: Remove some items in inventory pack first - by selling items, trashing items or by transferring items to storage chest. Open the INVENTORY MENU. In the PACK tab, hover to the OVERFLOW section below (items are red tinted). Select an item with and move it up to the available space in the pack. Player can stack items depending on item quantity limit per slot (refer to Inventory for more information on Slot Capacity, and more).
