Help:How to Edit

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New to editing? Here are some steps to get started!

You can also find more information on a wide range of topics at: Support Wiki

Getting Started

Set up a account

An account is mandatory to make edits to the Palia Wiki.

  • At the top right of the site, click on Create account.
  • This will make an account for the Palia wiki (but will also be interconnected with all sites in the network).

Start adding content and fixing up some text

Most editors start by noticing some missing info or typos that can be quickly fixed.

  • To do so, go to the top right from the page you want to update, and click "Edit."
    • If you are looking to edit a particular section, there may be a small "Edit" link next to the section title.
  • You will see the Editor box. There might be a lot of intimidating code, but that's okay![1] Focus on trying to find the text (Ctrl+F) that you want to edit and make your adjustments. Make sure to take a look at our Content and Asset Guidelines for guidance when writing or adding images.
  • At the bottom of the box, click on "Show preview" so you can see how your edit looks.[2] Once it looks good, press "Save changes" to submit!
For a list of pages tagged for expansion see: Stub Pages

Creating New Pages/Articles

While signed-in to edit, you may see red links, these are pages that are still missing, and you can find a list at Special:WantedPages.

Important notes about wanted pages:

  • Due to translations, this list is very long!
  • /en pages are pages desired by the translation system and should not be created manually or turned into redirects, please see the Translation Portal for Wiki Editors for more information on how to tag pages for translation
    • any other pages with language extensions (/fr, /de, /nl, etc.) should be created by translating the base page without the extension
      • it is possible to make these wanted pages manually if the source page isnt ready for translation, but they will be over-written when the source page becomes available to translators
      • creating a redirect to the un-translated version of the wanted page is acceptable, since it will get replaced when it becomes available

To create these pages, you can click on the red link to start a new article, or you can use this widget below by typing in the name of the page to create:

Contributing to Translations

If you'd like to read about formatting pages for Translation, or know more than one language and would like to help translate pages, then check out the translation portal.

Running into issues?

The fastest way to get a response is to reach out in the Wiki channels of the Palia Server. Note: the Wiki Editor server role is required to get involved!

Standard Editing Practices

  • Leave a summary of the changes made when editing any article
  • [sic] is a note typically left in transcripts that have unusual grammar or typos at the source (in-game)
  • "the Player" is always capitalized
  • Usernames are replaced with (Player) in transcripts
  • <br> is sometimes entered in text to force an extra line break (br for break)
  • "center" tags (<center>Enter Text Here</center>) can be used to quickly format a bit of text to be center aligned instead of the default alignment
  • {{LL|Apple Pie}} is equivalent to [[Apple Pie]]; either format can be used in editing on Palia Wiki
  • the rarity of items can be identified based on the background color of the item tooltip in game
    • See {{rarity/text}} for details on which rarity corresponds to which color
For more information, see Guide:Formatting.

Using Templates

Templates are a great way to provide formatted content on a lot of pages without having to copy and paste a lot of information between pages, or worry about maintaining a large number of pages to make small changes. The wiki uses a large number of templates, some of which are listed below.

  • For more in-depth documentation, visit the template's page
Template Type Example Description
{{Any}} Translation Any Bass, Any Bug Translation helper for outputting grouped items. For cooking/crafting recipes that use "Any of .."
{{BlockQuote}} Formatting Outputs a block quote, left aligned and indented
{{Category}} Translation Categories are normally just [[Category:Soups]], but this would clutter up every language page (eg; Reth's Favorite Soup, Reth's Favorite Soup/fr, Reth's Favorite Soup/de, Reth's Favorite Soup/pl, Reth's Favorite Soup/nl) into our Soups category! This helper template will automatically separate translation pages into the correct category, so Reth's Favorite Soup/de ends up in Soups/de.
{{Clear}} Formatting Clears a CSS float (float: clear;). Usually for moving the content to the end of a floating item (Eg; an Infobox)
{{Collapsible}} Formatting
{{Cols}} Formatting Splits the provided input value into columns. Can separate a list of items into columns (Will automatically separate into smaller columns on mobile views)
{{Control}} Controls Used for printing game controls, such as Keyboard, Mouse, Playstation, Switch, Xbox, SteamDeck, and WiiU
{{CookingRecipe}} Formatting
{{Cost}} Formatting Gold.png 1,000 Gold / Currency Furniture.png 1,000 Furniture Making Medals A cost helper that will output formatted and translated cost values for many currencies, including skill medals
{{Costlist}} Formatting
{{DailyReset}} Formatting/Standardization 4:00 AM UTC
{{Date}} Formatting February 8, 2024
{{Delete}} Notice
{{DialogueTranscript-Collapsed}} Formatting
{{Disambiguation}} Notice
{{Documentation}} Templates Used in Templates to show the Template Documentation
{{FishGallery}} Gallery
{{Focus}} Formatting
Focus White.png +850 Focus Points
{{FoodGallery}} Gallery
{{For}} Notice
{{FriendshipLevels}} NPC
Used on NPC pages for showing the levels of Friendship
{{GardenBuff}} Formatting
{{GardenBuff/Desc}} Formatting
{{GuideInfobox}} Infobox Displays the information about any page written in the Guide: namespace. Guides can be written by players to help out other players. The Infobox can show the Guides author
{{Heading}} Translation Objectives For writing commonly translated page Headings
{{HousingAddon/Pricing}} Displays a table of Housing Add-ons and the associated pricing
{{Icon}} Formatting Unknown.png / Chapaa Pop.png / ChapaaAngel.png / ChapaaChuckle.png For outputting Images as icons
{{IconInfobox}} Infobox Displays an Image inside of an Infobox. Primarily used on pages that wouldn't otherwise have an Infobox, where the Image might represent the content on the page. Infoboxes contain the pages Language Selector.
{{Item}} Formatting Stone 10 Stone Outputs Items for use in sentences
{{ItemBox}} Formatting Outputs Items inside of a formatted box
{{ItemGallery}} Gallery
{{ItemList}} Formatting Used for printing a list of items (With or without quantities)
{{LatestPaliaUpdate}} Build 0.187 Outputs the latest version of the game
{{LocalizedLink}} / {{LL}} Translation Similar to regular links ([[Palia Wiki]]) except it fetches the Localized version of the page title using the pages current language
{{Palia}} Palia Outputs the name of the Game and links to the game page.
{{Personality}} Air.png Air / Water.png Water / Fire.png Fire / Earth.png Earth Used for displaying the 4 different personality types.
{{PlayerLevel}} Useful for User pages! Show off your skill levels
{{NPC}} Ashura Profile.png Ashura Displays an NPCs profile picture along with a link to their page (Used inline)
{{NPCPfp}} Displays an NPCs profile picture in a large size, with a link to their page below the image
{{Ordinal}} Formatting 2nd Outputs a number with its ordinal
{{OutfitGallery}} Gallery
{{Quest}} Formatting Quest Icon.png Welcome to Palia Formats links to Quest pages. Adds a quest indicator, and a localized link to the quest
{{Quote}} Formatting Outputs a quote, centered inside of quotation marks
{{Random}} Misc Outputs a simple-random number. (It's not very random due to a lot of reasons, including caching, but it works for it's needs)
{{RandomLanguage}} Misc Outputs a random language that isn't the current Page language.
{{Rarity/text}} Formatting Unspecified / Abundant / Common / Uncommon / Rare / Epic / Legendary
{{Relationship}} Formatting You (Friend) Used for displaying localized relationships between one NPC and another
{{Replace}} Notice Displays a notice that a page needs to be replaced, such as a File with a low quality needing to be replaced with a higher quality
{{RomanceLevels}} NPC
Used on NPC pages for showing the levels of Romance
{{Schedule}} NPC Display a localized version of an NPCs daily schedule
{{Skill}} Formatting Foraging Foraging Level 88 Display a Skills icon and a localized link to that skill, can also be used for displaying skill requirements.
{{Spoiler}} Notice Warns users that a page or section will contain possible spoilers
{{SpoilerText}} Formatting Hide some text content. Used for hiding in-line spoilers within text. Click to unhide!
{{StaleData}} Notice Warns users about wiki caching, and that they may need to Purge a page to get the latest results
{{Starpath}} Formatting Citrine.png The Wanderer Displays the icon for a Starstone associated with a specific Starpath, as well as a localized version of that Starpath
{{Stub}} Notice
{{T}} Links to templates. They're all over this page!
{{Tag}} Formatting Creates displayable code XML without printing it as HTML
{{Time}} Formatting 8:00 AM Prints a certain time of day in a localized formatting
{{TranslatedPagename}} Translation Outputs the Translated title of a page
{{UntranslatedPagename}} Translation Outputs the Untranslated page title of a page (on a translated page)
{{UpdateHistory}} Formatting Used on item/furniture/etc pages to show patch note changes between game versions
{{UserInfobox}} Infobox For use on user pages to display information about your character!
{{WeeklyReset}} Formatting/Standardization Monday at 4:00 AM UTC
{{Wip}} Notice

Experimenting with Sandboxes

Say you've got an idea for a page layout, or want to take a crack at making a template!

Rather than try to edit existing pages and cause disruptions, it's recommended to try out things in spaces informally called "Sandboxes"

Personal Sandboxes

To create your own personal Sandbox, first make your user page, which is located at[usernamehere].
Then, just add a forward slash ( / ) to the end of the URL, so it becomes[usernamehere]/Sandbox.
  • Nothing's stopping you from using your main user page or calling this sub page anything else, but this is just standard practice!

Other Sandboxes

  • Template:Sandbox - This is for everyone to use, so be courteous and leave notes if you are for others to see!
  • Module: Sandbox - This is for everyone to use, so be courteous and leave notes if you are for others to see!

Requesting Deletions

See something that isn't being used? Something that is a duplicate? Dont need your sandbox anymore?

For deletion requests, enter the following template at the top of an article, page, file, or template: {{delete|reason for deletion}}. Please be as descriptive as possible when requesting a deletion, and ensure that nothing still links to the article by using the What links here button on the main menu (left sidebar on large screens, top buttons on narrow screens). Note: using the appropriate template flags the page for the administrators to review.

Use cases:

  • The page/file is a duplicate of another existing article
  • The page's contents were merged with another page
  • The file is no longer required for the subject
  • Another file has been uploaded and in use under another name of better quality
  • My sandbox is no longer needed
  • Etc.

Other possible solutions:

  • Files or Pages with typo's can be Moved if an article of the correct name does not already exist


It's important to add an Infobox to each page because Infoboxes contain important information by default (even if no other data is provided). An Infobox will add two things to the page: The Language selector, and a collapsible Table of Contents. Some pages use specifically designed Infoboxes, such as {{VillagerInfobox}} on Villager pages. If a page doesn't have a relevantly designed Infobox, {{IconInfobox}} can be used instead, which simply displays an image.

It's important to have an Infobox to display the language selector, users will use this to read a page in their language if it has been translated!

Table of Contents

Infoboxes will contain the pages Table of Contents (TOC). The TOC can be customized with the toc parameter:

 |toc = none

The toc parameter expects a number, or simply "none". Setting the toc parameter to 0 or none will hide the Table of Contents. This can be used to display the TOC elsewhere on the page.

Setting a number value for toc sets a max height for the TOC (By default is 450; Amount is in px). For a longer TOC display simply set the number to a larger value:

 |toc = 600

A Table of Contents that exceeds the height will display a scroll bar.

Infobox Templates

The following Infoboxes are available to be used for pages:

Special Formatting


For pc styling that is also mobile-friendly, the following classes have been created to use on tables and divs:

  • mw-quarter
  • mw-third
  • mw-half
  • mw-threequarters


It is possible to make Tables that allow a user to mark rows of the table as Completed. This functionality can be seen on the Bundles page. Below are examples on how to do this on other pages.

There are two requirements to make rows "Complete-able"
  1. The table must be given an ID
    • Table IDs are Unique site-wide. If two tables use the same ID, one will override the other. This is for cases where the same table is used on multiple pages. Please give your IDs a detailed name.
  2. The given row must have an ID
    • Rows that do not have an ID (Such as the Table header) are ignored.
    • If a row in the table contains at least one {{item}} tag, the first item in the row will be used as the ID by default.

Table with an ID

{| data-checklist-id="my_checklist_table"
 ! Heading 1
 ! Heading 2
 | Column 1
 | Column 2

The above example will not work yet, we still need to give our row an ID.

Rows with an ID

{| data-checklist-id="my_checklist_table"
 ! Heading 1
 ! Heading 2
|- data-checklist-id="row_1"
 | Column 1 Row 1
 | Column 2 Row 1
|- data-checklist-id="row_2"
 | Column 1 Row 2
 | Column 2 Row 2

Table checklists may also be given an "Expiration", where the items will not be saved past a certain point. This can be used in situations with timed tasks, such as Weekly Challenges.

  • The expiration may either be a date, day of week or a number
    • If a date is given, the table data will expire after the given date has passed.
    • If a day of week is given, then the table data will expire after the given day has passed. If the day has already passed, the day on the following week will be selected.
    • If a number is given, the number is treated as a number of seconds. Setting the expiration as 120 will save the table for two minutes after the user interacts with it.
Syntax Description
30, 60, 90 Saves the table results for a specific number of seconds.
January 11 2024, February 14 2025, March 21 2026 Saves the table results until the given date at midnight UTC. After the date has passed the table will not save.

Be careful about using templates to save dates this way, as caching can cause major problems on the given date

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday Saves the table results until the given day at midnight UTC.
Monday 11:00, Tuesday 12:00, Wednesday 13:00, Thursday 14:45, Friday 16:00, Saturday 19:15, Sunday 22:00 Saves the table results until the given day at the given time.
  • The time must be 24-hour time (Hour 0-23).
  • The time is in UTC. (Daily reset is at 4:00 AM UTC).


{| data-checklist-id="my_checklist_table" data-checklist-expire="January 10 2025"
 ! Heading 1
 ! Heading 2
 | Column 1
 | Column 2

Test Tables

Lasts for 1 second
Lasts for 2 seconds
Lasts for 5 seconds
Lasts for 30 seconds

  1. While using the editor click the Pen icon on the top to turn on Syntax Highlighting. This will enable colors in the editor for easier readability!
  2. It is recommended in your "Editing" user preferences to enable the "Show preview without reloading the page" setting. This will show page previews without reloading the entire editor page.