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Twin sister of Caleri. Elouisa has a passion for knowledge, though she has less orthodox ways of exploring her interests. You may find her out and about exploring old ruins, and she’s always excited to share her latest theories.

Almanac of Palia

Elouisa is a Majiri resident of Kilima Valley in Palia. Known for her overactive imagination and keen interest in anything odd or unusual, she has no shortage of theories on pretty much everything.


Elouisa can be instantly recognized by her quirky attire. Her dark auburn hair is styled in five low ponytails, with white streaked bangs held back by a blue bandana. She wears circular rimmed glasses, a purple belted jacket and dark trousers which seem to have been patched one too many times. Her attire is complete by a set of accessories: a bracelet on her left hand, a ring on her right hand and an green insect brooch on her shirt.


Time Location
Wakes up to start the day

4:00 AM Wakes up and goes to riverbank south of Mirror Fields (Map grid section D-6).
10:00 AM Walks over to the ruins north of Fisherman's Lagoon.
3:00 PM Walks to Library.
11:00 PM Walks from Library to her home.
Goes to sleep to end the day



  • Caleri (Twin sister)
  • Unnamed (Father)
  • Unnamed (Mother)


Level 1: Curious Curator

  • "Elouisa seems fun, if a bit kooky."

Level 2: In the Know

  • "Elouisa has started to open up about some of her more interesting theories."

Level 3: Co-Conspirator

  • "Elouisa needs help with a 'special project'."

Level 4: Paranormal Pal

  • "Elouisa trusts you as a partner in all things spooky and weird."


Elouisa is not romanceable.


ChapaaChuckle.png This article or following section is likely to contain spoilers! Please proceed with caution.

Elouisa likes the following items in the Bugs category:

Elouisa likes the following items in the Fish category:

Weekly Wants

Reset every Monday at 4:00 AM UTC.
Last updated February 5, 2025. Click here to edit.


To read up on the story of Elouisa, see her Biography!


For a summary of written and voiced lines, see: Dialogue



Quest Icon.png Silver winging-it!
Quest Icon.png Proof of Magic
Quest Icon.png It Takes a Village - Elouisa
Quest Icon.png Eye of the Storm


Quest Icon.png Catching a Flothinger
Quest Icon.png Crawly Conundrum
Quest Icon.png That Fishy Feeling
Quest Icon.png An Important Inquiry
Quest Icon.png A Scheme Involving Pyramids


  • Elouisa has borrowed "Juggling 101 Vol.3" and "Juggling 101, Volume 10"
  • Whenever Elouisa sends you a letter, it'll be stamped with an eye containing a spiral. It's similar to the eye on her headband.


Update History