Eyeless Minnow

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The Eyeless Minnow is a Common Fish in Palia.


A cave dwelling creature that has lost the need for eyes. Found in caves without bait.

–In-Game Item Description



Eyeless Minnow can be caught in Caves without bait, at any time of day.

Kilima Valley Caves.png
Cave in Kilima Valley.
Bahari Bay Caves.png
Cave in Bahari Bay.


Starred versions of this fish can be placed as a decor.

Aquarium size: 3x3 (Small, Circular)

Experience from catching Eyeless Minnow counts towards the following accomplishments:


Current weekly wants of Eyeless Minnow for July 22, 2024 - July 28, 2024
  • Nobody

Villagers who like Eyeless Minnow:

Some villagers preferences haven't been confirmed. (Edit)

The following use Any Fish as an ingredient:

  • Fish Stew Fish Stew
  • Fish Tacos Fish Tacos
  • Grilled Fish Grilled Fish
  • Poke Bowl Poke Bowl
  • Sashimi Sashimi
  • Sushi Sushi


Eyeless Minnow is not required for any Quests.


Eyeless Minnow is not used in any Bundles.


Update History

Build 0.180:

  • Values changed:
    • Base: Gold.png 20Gold.png 30
    • SQ.png Quality: Gold.png 30Gold.png 45