Eye of the Storm

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Eye of the Storm is a Main Quest given by Zeki, bestowed upon completion of Quest Icon.png It Takes a Village - Caleri, Quest Icon.png It Takes a Village - Elouisa and Quest Icon.png It Takes a Village - Zeki.


Now that the symbols are lit up, the group can proceed to the final island! Meet up with Zeki and the twins back at the main island.


Part 1

  • Talk to Zeki on the main island.

Part 2

Explore the final island and discover any secrets it holds!

  • Explore the final island.

Part 3

Activate the Flow Gate to bring Zeki and the twins to the final island.

  • Activate the Flowgate.

↷ Return to Zeki

Part 4

Zeki thinks he can get into the mysterious building if you can find him a flow infused object to pick the lock with.

  • Find something to pick the lock.

↷ Return to Zeki

Part 5

The temple's mural puzzle has been revealed and is just waiting to be solved!

  • Solve the sliding puzzle.


At Quest Completion


Make your way to the top of the Tower and grab the Flow Generator Fragment, return to Zeki to open the door.

Dialogue and Mail


Upon talking to Zeki

Didn't think this was how I'd spend my day...
I think the nest is fixed up...
You thought right! The twins got it all put together.
I'm gonna put the last egg in, and it should light this whole baby up.
And hopefully take us to some treasure...
Here... we... go!
Bam, look at that - the wind gust is going right to the final island!


Upon returning to Zeki after opening the Flowgate.

Finally, another big door! I was just hoping for one of these.
That was sarcasm, in case you couldn't tell. There better be some actual loot in there...
I think I can lockpick this... I'm just going to need something charged with Flow.
You mind poking around for me while I poke this lock a bit more?

Upon returning to Zeki after finding something to pick the lock with.

Perfect! Nice work, kid.
Let's see if I can pull this off...
You see anything glittering in there? I call dibs!

Upon speaking to Zeki in the puzzle room.

A sliding puzzle!? What kinda lousy prize is this...
Maybe I can rip the pieces off and sell those for a mint.


Upon speaking to Zeki after completing the puzzle

Nice work in here, kid. I think the three of us are ready to hit the road.
Maybe those two will even make it back to town before they start fighting again.
You want to come with us? I can walk ya' to the door.

Sooooo.... you got what you wanted, but the rest of us... we've got some unfinished business.
I'm sure there's more treasure around - I can sense it!
Those two aren't going to budge until you prove one of them right. You need more clues.
Once you finish that up, then we can head out.

Upon speaking to Caleri after completing the puzzle.

There it is, the Silverwing.
I may not be right about it... but neither is Elouisa.
We'll have to put our heads together to find the real truth about what you told us.

What a magnificent carving!
It doesn't prove what Elouisa has been saying about the Silverwings being magical.
But still... it is magnificent.

Upon speaking to Elouisa after completing the puzzle.

It's a Silverwing! This is... beautiful!!
It may not be as powerful, or quite as magical as I theorized...
But it still is special. And it's even more special, because Caleri and I will figure out the truth together.
Even when she inevitably denies my next theory... I'll always have this.

It's a Silverwing! This is.... fantastic!
The nest we fixed... I must find out if we'll be responsible for bringing magic into the world!


Lead Scientist's Log

We've been visited by a Foreman from the Pyroflow generator facility. It appears he has been asked to add some sort of... sliding puzzle... to our facility and his own.

He seemed anxious. I believe something is happening on the ground - our correspondence has generally been ignored, and we recieve this unexpected visitor.

I don't appreciate being left in the dark, but I suppose I shouldn't alarm the other scientists. I cannot imagine how they'd react knowing their families may be in danger.

Update History

Build 0.175:

  • Introduced.