Leafstalker Mantis

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The Leafstalker Mantis is a Rare bug in Palia.


An herbivorous mantis that exclusively eats leaves.

–In-Game Item Description

How to Obtain

Bug Catching

Leafstalker Mantises have a 10% chance to spawn when picking up Sweet Leaves and Dari Cloves in north Bahari Bay at any time of day.

Although it is rare, they can also occasionally be found on the ground anywhere Sweet Leaves and Dari Cloves are found, including the Flooded Steps, Proudhorn Pass, The Outskirts, the Thorny Thicket, and the Statue Garden. However, they can be difficult to spot among the leaves and grass due to their dark green color.


Leafstalker Mantises are alerted by nearby player movement and Smoke Bombs and will hop away a short distance before briefly pausing. Players should use this time to throw additional Smoke Bombs as needed.


There is a chance the Leafstalker Mantis will drop the following item when caught:


Leafstalker Mantis can be obtained as a reward when completing the following Quests:

Found Item

  • Quest Icon.png Trapped in Time
    • Potential reward depending on Player's choice
    • Given at SQ.png Star Quality


Current weekly wants of Leafstalker Mantis for February 3, 2025 - February 9, 2025

Villagers who like Leafstalker Mantis:


Leafstalker Mantis is used in the following Quests:



Leafstalker Mantis is used in the following Bundles:


Starred versions of this bug can be placed as a decor.

Terrarium size: 5x4 (Medium, Rectangular)

Experience from catching Leafstalker Mantis counts towards the following Accomplishments:

Similar Items


Update History

Build 0.180:

  • Values increased:
    • Base: 120 --> 140 Gold
    • SQ.png Quality: 180 --> 210 Gold