Catching a Flothinger

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Catching a Flothinger is a Friendship Quest given by Elouisa.


Elouisa wants to catch a cryptid. Help her place a trap on the cliffside ruins near Daiya farm.


Part 1

↷ Return to Elouisa


At Quest Completion



  1. Apparently Elouisa was looking for you. Find out what she wants.
  2. She asked you to help her catch a... Flothinger? Well, set up the trap at the designated location.
  3. Find Elouisa to let her know the trap is set up and ready.
Trap Location

Dialogue and Mail

Upon speaking to Elouisa

Ah, there you are (Player), the "Human". You are just in time for another delightful discovery!
I am finally about to capture the Flothinger I have been tracking for the past three months.

What's a Flothinger?
A Flothinger is a creature who's existence revolves around one simple goal: inciting chaos among the local stinkbug population.
Why? Well... I need to capture one to ask it.

Flothingers aren't real.
Even if you do not believe me, you can still believe in me... please hear me out?

Wait, three whole months??
One month of desk research, one month of field work in the ruins, and one month to trying to make Hassian's trap less deadly. What is lost time compared to found truth?

How can I help?
I knew I could count on you! There is nothing more "Human" than putting yourself in the way of a dangerous creature for unclear reasons.

What's my part in this?
Nobody has ever seen a Flothinger, but I have to be the first to find it! If anyone from the academy gets ahold of it, they will have it pinned up in their museum. I cannot let any creature suffer like that, cryptid or otherwise!
My work is finally about to pay off - I just need to get this trap in position.
Can you place this in the ruins near Daiya farm? The ones up the little mountain? I heard Humans are good climbers.

Why the ruins?
I was not going to tell anyone this, but since you asked... I believe this creature escaped from an ancient Human vault.
Perhaps you two are... kindred spirits.

Daiya... what? Where?
From my observations, a farm is a location where you grow food and food-based puns. Look for it near the village.

By the way, are Flothingers dangerous?
That is what field tests like this uncover!
I mean... uh... no. Definitely not deadly.

Yeah, let's get 'em!
That is the spirit! Do not allow the Flothinger to sense your confident aura, otherwise it may flee.

Let me know when the trap is set, ok?

Upon returning to Elouisa

Perfect! It is only a matter of time before the Flothinger can finally know peace.
I will make sure you know when the trap goes off. Thanks for helping me chase the truth.


Letter from Elouisa (Report on the trap)

I regret to inform you that the Flothinger is still out there. The trap you helped me set only managed to capture Auni, the pun-farmer's son. The logical conclusion is that he is a cryptid who is yet to be identified... Perhaps Flothingers can shapeshift into Majiri!

Delaila is furious, despite my assurance that I have years of experience with cryptids and had taken the utmost care in making the trap non-lethal. If you see her, please offer my sincerest apologies and ask if she'd like to have Auni examined.

I'll continue monitoring the valley. With so many mysteries afoot, perhaps we need a place to store our findings...

Keep your mind metaphysical,
- Elouisa

Elouisa Profile.png Elouisa

Letter from Elouisa

Strange things are afoot with the snails of Kilima! Naturally that means there's a Tuffwoggle about...perhaps even a whole gaggle of them.

Keep this on you at all times to ward them away.

And remember: question everything!
- Elouisa

Elouisa Profile.png Elouisa


  • Players may receive an extra Renown.png 5 Renown when completing this quest.

Update History

Build 0.165:

  • Introduced.