Finding Your Luna Sign

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Finding Your Luna Sign is a Lore book found inside the Library.


Finding Your Luna Sign
 «  Astrology and You, Vol. 1  » 

Having trouble understanding yourself? Want to know more about what your past, present, and future may hold? Look no further than the moon and the stars! Astrology has all the answers. To find your sign you need only know two factors:
- The season you were born in.

- The phase of the Luna, the Dragon moon, that you were born under.
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The season you were born in associates you with an element. The traits of this element will affect how you think and make decisions.

Spring - Water
Thoughtful, calm, analytical, anxious.

Summer - Fire
Optimistic, enthusiastic, active, impulsive.

Fall - Air
Relaxed, observant, playful, humorous.

Winter - Earth
Confident, practical, patient, blunt.

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As the Dragon moon goes through each of its phases, so do the surrounding stars. Each phase of Luna presents a different constellation, and this constellation is your Luna Sign.

Need help picking your Path? Consult your Luna Sign! Each constellation embodies a Path, a vocation that a Palian citizen may devote their lives to. Your Luna Sign will help you determine your strengths and weaknesses.

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Moon-on-Moon Eclipse - The Watcher
Larger than life, destined for greatness, sometimes viewed as cursed, may die a tragic death.

Luna/ Sun Eclipse - The Scholar
Introspective, impartial, obsessive, unemotional or cold.

New Moon - The Wanderer
Carefree, fun, mercurial, unreliable.

Waxing Crescent - The Farmer
Patient, kind, hardworking, not a deep thinker.

First Quarter - The Merchant
Intelligent, ambitious, calculating, self-interested.

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Waxing Gibbous - The Aristocrat
Diplomatic, charming, indulgent, judgmental.

Full Moon - The Hunter
Always searching for something, honest, lonely, often dissatisfied.

Waning Gibbous - The Builder
Family-oriented, respectful, dutiful, plain.

Last Quarter - The General
Good leaders, strong-willed, aggressive, stubborn.

Waning Crescent - The Artist
Creative, speaks up for their beliefs, dramatic, emotional to a fault.

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For many of us, it is difficult to embody our Path's positive traits one hundred percent of the time. So get yourself a tool to keep you from straying: a Starstone! A Starstone is a gemstone associated with a constellation that serves as a physical reminder of your Luna Sign. Having one will help you embody its positive traits.

The Watcher: Onyx
The Scholar: Aquamarine
The Wanderer: Citrine
The Farmer: Jasper
The Merchant: Ruby
The Aristocrat: Amethyst
The Hunter: Emerald
The Builder: Quartz
The General: Garnet
The Artist: Sapphire

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Your full Palian astrology sign combines the season you were born in and the Luna moon phase you were born under. For example, you can be a ""Air Artist"" or a ""Fire Merchant."" Once you find your special sign, you can use that knowledge to form a better understanding of yourself. Maybe even predict your fortune. More on this in Volume II.

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ChapaaChuckle.png This article or following section is likely to contain spoilers! Please proceed with caution.

Finding Your Luna Sign is a blue book that can be found on a desk inside the Library.

Book Location



  • Palian Astrology
