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本页是页面Fishing Rods翻译版本,翻译工作已完成100%。

–Almanac of Palia


升级配方可以从Einar Profile.png 艾纳经营的钓鱼公会商店购买。

鱼竿 描述 稀有度 配方 食材 需求 耐久
Makeshift Rod
Makeshift Rod
A starter rod for fishing. 普通的 Infinite
Standard Rod
Standard Rod
A standard rod for fishing. Moves faster than the Makeshift Rod. Has more line health than the Makeshift Rod. 罕见的 Fishing Guild
  • Gold.png 250 Gold
  • Sapwood Plank 20 Sapwood Plank
  • Copper Bar 5 Copper Bar
  • Makeshift Rod 1 Makeshift Rod
钓鱼钓鱼等级3 1,000
Exquisite Rod
Exquisite Rod
An exquisite rod for fishing. Moves faster than the Fine Rod. Has more line health than the Fine Rod. 史诗的 Fishing Guild
  • Gold.png 3,000 Gold
  • Flow-Infused Plank 5 Flow-Infused Plank
  • Palium Bar 2 Palium Bar
  • Fine Rod 1 Fine Rod
钓鱼钓鱼等级9 3,000
Fine Rod
Fine Rod
A fine rod for fishing. Moves faster than the Standard Rod. Has more line health than the Standard Rod. 稀有的 Fishing Guild
  • Gold.png 1,500 Gold
  • Heartwood Plank 10 Heartwood Plank
  • Iron Bar 5 Iron Bar
  • Standard Rod 1 Standard Rod
钓鱼钓鱼等级6 2,000