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このページはページ Paper Lantern Bug を「翻訳」したものです。翻訳は 12% 完了しています。

The Paper Lantern Bug is a コモン bug in パリア.






Paper Lantern Bugs can be found from 6:00 PM - 3:00 AM along the coastline of バハリ湾, including Beachcomber Cove, Lighthouse Lagoon, and Coral Shores. They can also be found during these same hours in the forests of north Bahari Bay, such as the Statue Garden, Proudhorn Pass, the Thorny Thicket, The Outskirts, and the Flooded Steps.


The green glow of Paper Lantern Bugs is a common sight at night throughout much of Bahari Bay.

Paper Lantern Bugs float lazily through the air until alerted by player movement or Smoke Bombs, at which time they will begin to flee. Paper Lantern Bugs bounce up and down as they fly, making them quite tricky to hit. Thankfully, Paper Lantern Bugs move relatively slowly, giving players plenty of time to properly aim and throw additional Smoke Bombs before the Paper Lantern Bug disappears into the night sky.


There is a chance Paper Lantern Bug will grant a Bahari Nettle Flower Bahari Nettle Flower or a Lantern Bug Plush Lantern Bug Plush when caught.


Starred versions of this bug can be placed as a decor.

Terrarium size: 5x4 (Medium, Rectangular)

Experience from catching Paper Lantern Bug counts towards the following accomplishments:


Current weekly wants of ランタンホタル for 2024年6月24日 - 2024年6月30日


The following require Paper Lantern Bug:

  • Kilima and Bahari Bug Collector
  • Master Kilima and Bahari Bug Collector


Paper Lantern Bug is used in the following Quests:

  • Quest Icon.png Mine Mystery
  • Quest Icon.png Magical Mystery Machine (Paper Lantern Bug is one of the options to turn in for Part 2)





Build 0.180:

  • Muujin and certain Insects will now drop plushies at a low chance.
    • Lantern Bug Plush can be dropped from its respective insect.

  • Values changed:
    • Base: Gold.png 16Gold.png 20
    • SQ.png Quality: Gold.png 24Gold.png 30

  • The colours of Paper Lantern Bug and Bahari Glowbug used to be bugged and get swapped in-game once caught. It was fixed in this patch. Note that the colours on this wiki were correct.