Prismbeard's Voyage (Honoring the Doomed)

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Honoring the Doomed

I can see tha' people of that village staring at me whenever I come ta' visit these graves. I can tell they judge - probably think I'm graverobbing or somethin' of tha' sort. I don't blame 'em, with what I've done.

Truth is, this is tha' only place I can remember me crew undisturbed. Tha villagers may not like me, but they certainly respect me and let well enough be.

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Honoring the Doomed

I think of ye when I come here, Kamila. I hope yer in a better place. Wherever ye are, I want ya to know I'm tryin' something different. Somethin' better. I want ta repay this village's kindness for lettin' me remember the crew here time and time again. It starts with this treasure - I hope one day, one of the villagers stumbles upon it

(if you're readin' this, that's you!)

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Honoring the Doomed

Thanks fer honorin' me crew one last time.

'Course, I didn't make it easy. Tha' wouldn't be the Prismbeard way!

- Prismbeard

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