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Dit is een vertaalde versie van de pagina Template:FriendshipLevels. De vertaling is voor 100% voltooid.
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De sjabloon {{FriendshipLevels}} is een opmaakhulpmiddel voor het weergeven van Vriendschapsniveaus op NPC-pagina's.


 |1 = Level Title
 |desc1 = Put the description here!
 |2 = Another Level
 |desc2 = The indepth description of this level


 |1 = Treat Giver
 |desc1 = While Tau may accept your pets and treats, you still have a long way to go.
 |2 = Pat Provider
 |desc2 = As you and Tau get closer, the demands for pets increase. Hopefully you can keep up!
 |3 = Scritchmaster
 |desc3 = You´ve really learned how to give Tau the best scritches, and get that thumping agains the ground! Even Hassian´s started to notice.
 |4 = Bestest Buds
 |desc4 = You and Tau have really solidified your friendship. Is this what Hassian feels like all the time?

Niveau 1: Treat Giver

  • "While Tau may accept your pets and treats, you still have a long way to go."

Niveau 2: Pat Provider

  • "As you and Tau get closer, the demands for pets increase. Hopefully you can keep up!"

Niveau 3: Scritchmaster

  • "You´ve really learned how to give Tau the best scritches, and get that thumping agains the ground! Even Hassian´s started to notice."

Niveau 4: Bestest Buds

  • "You and Tau have really solidified your friendship. Is this what Hassian feels like all the time?"
 |1 = Level
 |desc1 = Put the description here!
 |2 = Another Level
 |desc2 = 

Niveau 1: Level

  • "Put the description here!"
Niveau 2: Another Level