Malli: KeskitasonAinesosaInfolaatikko

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Tämä on käännetty versio sivusta Template:IntermediateIngredientInfobox, ja käännös on 100 % valmis.
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Use to get data from template parameters. This will be wrapped into a p HTML tag.

!Note: This template will only get the litteral data that was passed into the specified template. This means defaults will be read out as empty!


 |name =
 |desc =
 |crafter =
 |type =
 |ingredients =
Field Accepted Parameters Notes
name any string Name of the ingredient
desc any string Description of the ingredient
crafter page name Name of the crafter this ingredient can be Crafted at
type page name Action you have to perform at the crafter (Baking, Chopping, Flipping, Rolling, Stirring)
ingredients {{ItemList}} The ingredients you need to craft


 |desc = Sweet leaf ground into a sugar suitable for cooking.
 |crafter = Mixing Station
 |type = Stirring
 |ingredients = {{ItemList
  |Sweet Leaf = 1

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