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Esta página é uma versão traduzida da página Template:Item. Sua tradução está 100% completa.
Template documentation
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This Template uses the following Lua Modules: Item
Editors can experiment in this template's sandbox and test case pages.

This template has existing relatives or sub-templates: Template:Item


{{Item}} is meant to be a viable alternative to Template:Icon for listing Items that have a Quantity. It is meant to work better inline in Text and paragraphs by ensuring that the Item count stays inline with the icon and following text.


Field Accepted Parameters
name Name of an Item
count Optional. The amount of the item, defaults to none. Amounts over 1000 will automatically be comma separated (Eg; 1000 -> 1,000 and 1234000 -> 1,234,000)
starred Optional. Can either be 0 (false) or 1 (true). If 1 then a star icon will be present, the same as it shows in the game.

Named Parameters

Named Parameters must be specifically typed as part of the Template (eg; {{item|style=1}}). The order that they are placed in does not matter (eg; {{item|after=(|style=1|before=)}}).

Field Accepted Parameters
before= Optional. Additional Text displayed before the count, also bolded.
after= Optional. Additional Text displayed after the count, also bolded.
style= Optional. Formats how the Item display is outputted.
  • 0 (Inline) Default: Writes the Item inline
  • 1 (Table): Formats for use inside a Table (Eg; A used to display a column of items). Defaults before= to x
display= Optional. Changes the link text to something else
  • If you override the display make sure to wrap it as ‎<translate>...‎</translate>, overriding the display will not read the translated page name.


Info Syntax Result Note
{{Item|Palium Ore|10000}}
Minério de Palium 10 000 Minério de Palium
Stone 10 000 Stone
A number (10000) is provided, so 10,000 is displayed.
{{Item|Palium Ore|-10000}}
Minério de Palium −10 000 Minério de Palium
Stone −10 000 Stone
A number (-10000) is provided, so -10,000 is displayed.
Numeric Range
{{Item|Palium Ore|5000-10000}}
Minério de Palium 5 000 ‐ 10 000 Minério de Palium
Stone 5 000 ‐ 10 000 Stone
A range (10000) is provided, so 5,000 - 10,000 is displayed.
Plain Item
{{Item|Palium Ore}}
Minério de Palium Minério de Palium
Stone Stone
When a number is not provided, no number will be shown.
Star Quality
{{Item|Palium Ore|8|1}}
Minério de PaliumSQ.png 8 Minério de Palium
StoneSQ.png 8 Stone
A number (8) is provided, so 8 Ore is displayed. The 4th parameter 1 (true) indicates that the item is starred.
Changed Text
{{Item|Palium Ore|display=Not Palium Ore}}
{{Item|Stone|display=Not Stone}}
Not Palium Ore Not Palium Ore
Not Stone Not Stone
The display for the link is changed, so a different name is shown
Text Before
{{Item|Palium Ore|8|before=x}}
Minério de Palium x8 Minério de Palium
Stone x8 Stone
A number (8) is provided, and so is before=x, so x8 is displayed.
Text After
{{Item|Palium Ore|8|after=x}}
Minério de Palium 8x Minério de Palium
Stone 8x Stone
A number (8) is provided, and so is after=x, so 8x is displayed.
Text Before and After
{{Item|Palium Ore|8|before=(|after=)}}
Minério de Palium (8) Minério de Palium
Stone (8) Stone
A number (8) is provided, and so is before=(|after=), so (8) is displayed.
Ranged Before and After
{{Item|Palium Ore|8-100|before=(|after=)}}
Minério de Palium (8) ‐ (100) Minério de Palium
Stone (8) ‐ (100) Stone
Before and after text is also applied when in a range
Item recipe
Fabric Fabric Receita
Silk Silk Receita
Prints the item in Recipe format, where "Recipe" is translated to the appropriate language
Items in a table
{{Item|Palium Ore|8|style=1}}
Minério de Palium Minério de Palium x8

Stone Stone x8

StonefishSQ.png Stonefish

Silk SilkReceita
Applies style 1 which better formats the item to a Table Column
Special References
{{Item|Any Arrow}}
{{Item|Any Firework}}
{{Item|Any Bug}}
{{Item|Any Fish}}
{{Item|Any Crop}}
{{Item|Any Mushroom}}
{{Item|Any Vegetable}}
Any Arrow Any Arrow

Any Firework Any Firework

Any Bug Any Bug

Any Fish Any Fish

Any Crop Any Crop

Any Mushroom Any Mushroom

Any Vegetable Any Vegetable

Any Jam Any Jam

Special category references