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Это перевод страницы Template:PatchNoteInfobox, он готов на 100%.

Этот шаблон определяет таблицу «Patches». Просмотр таблицы.

Example usage:

{{Infobox PatchNotes
 |title    = Example
 |image    = Example
 |caption  = Example
 <!-- -->
 |date     = January 1, 2000
 <!-- Release cycle (eg; "Open Beta"/"Closed Beta") -->
 |cycle    = Example
 |size     = Example
 <!-- The build # and any patches -->
 |versions = x.xx1, x.xx2, x.xx3
 <!-- Previous/Next release -->
 <!-- These can be ignored, they'll autofill based on 'date' -->
 |previous =
 |next     =
 <!-- Link to the released blog -->
 |blog     = https://palia.com/news/patch-xxx