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Diese Seite ist eine übersetzte Version der Seite Template:RomanceLevels und die Übersetzung ist zu 100 % abgeschlossen sowie aktuell.
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Die {{RomanceLevels}}-Vorlage ist eine Formatierungshilfe für die Darstellung von Romantik-Stufen auf NPC-Seiten.


 |1 = Level Title
 |desc1 = Put the description here!
 |2 = Another Level
 |desc2 = The indepth description of this level


 |1 = Something New
 |desc1 = Hodari seems a little flustered around you. Could this be the start of something new?
 |2 = Winning Him Over
 |desc2 = Hodari's started to open his heart to you, but he's still a little shy.
 |3 = Getting It Right
 |desc3 = Your relationship with Hodari is ready for the next level... but it seems like he wants to take the time to do things right.
 |4 = Pin for Pin
 |desc4 = You and Hodari trust each other deeply- but that doesn't mean he's done putting in the effort.

Stufe 1: Something New

  • "Hodari seems a little flustered around you. Could this be the start of something new?"

Stufe 2: Winning Him Over

  • "Hodari's started to open his heart to you, but he's still a little shy."

Stufe 3: Getting It Right

  • "Your relationship with Hodari is ready for the next level... but it seems like he wants to take the time to do things right."

Stufe 4: Pin for Pin

  • "You and Hodari trust each other deeply- but that doesn't mean he's done putting in the effort."
 |1 = Level
 |desc1 = Put the description here!
 |2 = Another Level
 |desc2 = 

Stufe 1: Level

  • "Put the description here!"
Stufe 2: Another Level