User:Hello Im Erik

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Hello, I'm Erik!

I like data, and wiki's to be up to date and as complete as possible. In my head I know exactly how I want data to be visualized, but man do I have no clue about coding. Also, I'm a completionist at heart so will most likely spend most of my editing work on Accomplishments.

DM me on discord if you have anything to discuss, my tag is #EMS

Current Goals

  • (Co-)create a template for an accomplishment infobox
  • Categorize all accomplishments (Cooking, Foraging, Cooking and Bug Catching done)
  • Add all accomplishments to relevant pages, e.g. all accomplishments tied to Bug Collecting should be on that page
  • Actually play the game instead of just editing the wiki

My contributions

  • My contributions page
  • I mostly just work on accomplishments, but I try to document all quests I do that are incomplete at that time.
  • My sandbox is quite empty, because I don't know what I'm doing with that.