Common Blue Butterfly/fr

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The Common Blue Butterfly is a Commun bug in Palia.


Ever resilient. Butterflies of this type can be found in almost every climate in Palia.

–Description de l'objet dans le jeu

Comment obtenir

Capture d'Insecte

The Common Blue Butterfly is, as the name suggests, one of the most common insects found throughout Palia. As such, it can be found in nearly any field, forest, or mountainous region throughout both Vallée de Kilima and Baie de Bahari from 3:00 AM - 6:00 PM.


The Common Blue Butterfly flies in a straight line, bobbing up and down like an ocean wave.

Unlike most other insects, the Common Blue Butterfly is not startled by player movement or Smoke Bombs. Similarly, an unsuccessfully dazed Common Blue Butterfly will not disappear or attempt to flee, instead eventually returning to its idle state after a few seconds.


There is a chance the Common Blue Butterfly will drop the following item when caught:

  • Gardenia Flower Gardenia Flower


Common Blue Butterfly is not known to be rewarded by any means.


Current weekly wants of Common Blue Butterfly for 7 octobre 2024 - 13 octobre 2024
  • Nobody

Villageois qui aiment : Common Blue Butterfly

The following use Any Bug as an ingredient:

  • QualityUp Fertilizer QualityUp Fertilizer


Common Blue Butterfly is used in the following Quests:


Objets Cachés

  • Quest Icon.png Not Hungry


Common Blue Butterfly ne fait partie d'aucun Paquet.


Starred versions of this bug can be placed as a decor.

Terrarium size: 3x3 (Petit, Rectangulaire)

Experience from catching Common Blue Butterfly counts towards the following Accomplishments:

Objet similaires


Historique des mises à jour

Build 0.180:

  • Values changed:
    • Base: Gold.png 12 OrGold.png 15 Or
    • SQ.png Quality: Gold.png 18 OrGold.png 22 Or

Build 0.178:

  • Common Blue Butterfly has a chance to drop a Gardenia Flower.