Not Hungry

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Not Hungry is a Found Item Quest that can be unlocked by picking up the Half Eaten Carrot Half Eaten Carrot outside the Central Stables (Kilima Valley).


You found a stash of half-eaten carrots in the stables. Looks like one of the Riffrocs is not eating properly.


Part 1

Part 2

Nai'o thinks that making Sugarfoot a prize will cheer her up. But who in the village can help make a big blue ribbon?

  • Find someone who can make a blue ribbon for Sugarfoot.

Part 3

Jel agreed to make a ribbon for Sugarfoot, but he needs the follow ingredients.

↷ Return to Jel


At Quest Completion



  1. Find a Half Eaten Carrot Half Eaten Carrot outside the stables.
  2. Talk to the local carrot enthusiast, Nai'o.
  3. The best person you can think of for creating a ribbon would be the local tailor, Jel.
  4. Sugarfoot's ribbon just needs a few materials.
  5. Bring the materials to Jel.

Dialogue and Mail


Upon asking Nai'o about the carrot

I found a half eaten carrot.
Oh....yeah... it's Sugarfoot.
She hasn't been her usual self the last couple days.

What's wrong with Sugarfoot?
She's been down in the dumps... but it's worse than I imagined.

Don't tell me she's sick!!!
Oh no! Not anything like you're imagining.

This year our family really made the effort to make Sugarfoot stand out. We even hired a very expensive groomer to come style her mane for the competition.
But, Maize Martingdale's riffroc, Thundering Elegance, took the spotlight yet again.
Ever since, Sugarfoot has been ignoring Butterball and now she doesn't want to eat at all. I'm worried she may fall ill if she continues like this. Kenyatta would never forgive me if something ever were to happen to Sugarfoot.
If only there was a way to make Sugarfoot feel like the winner she is...
Maybe we could make Sugarfoot a prize?
That's great idea! Let me think... [sic]
The winner at the expo always gets a blue giant ribbon.
I wonder if there's someone in town who can make a ribbon?


Upon speaking to Jel

(Explain the carrot drama)
Mmmm...I see. A winner's ribbon for Naio's Riffroc.
I've never made anything for a creature that big before, but it shouldn't be a problem. I have templates for all sizes in my private studio.
Get me the following materials and I'll put something together for Sugarfoot.


Upon returning to Jel

I have the materials for the ribbon.
Splendid! Just a few stitches here and there and voila!
A one of a kind rosette ribbon from the House of Jel.
I'll send this over to Nai'o post haste.
A wild creature donning one of my designs...That's a first.


Letter from Nai'o

Dear (Player),
I couldn't wait to share this with you! Sugarfoot is back to her spirited self. She adores her new winner's ribbon. I've never seen her gallop around her corral so lively. I'm glad to see them interacting like before. Sometimes we underestimate these majestic creatures and we forget that they're also complex beings with emotions like us. Please take this as a token of my and Sugarfoot's gratitude.

Nai'o Profile.png Nai'o

Attachments: Carrot Seed 10 Carrot Seed


Update History

Build 0.172:

  • Introduced.