Wioska Kilimy

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Kilima Village is a charming, picturesque settlement nestled in the center of Dolina Kilimy and lies on the east side of the middle-most river. Built around the remains of an ancient fountain, the village proper, with its many shops and tavern, is naturally the bustling hub of activity for local Villagers and visitors alike. To the west, in the midst of Leafhopper Hills is the renowned Daiya Family Farm. To the northeast, up the hill is a path leading to a charming nook in the mountains that is perfect for a personal residence.

Główne miejsca i punkty orientacyjne

Mapa Wioski
  • Blacksmith
  • Central Stables
  • City Hall
  • Furniture Store
  • General Store
  • Library
  • Tailor
  • Tavern


  • Spooky Moon Store
  • Winterlights Store

Inne lokalizacje w pobliżu

  • Apothecary
  • Chayne's House
  • Elouisa and Caleri's House
  • Tish's House
  • Mayor's Estate
  • Zeki's House


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