Silverwing Sizes

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Silverwing Sizes is a Quest tablet found inside the Temple of the Gales.


Silverwing Sizes
 «  Silverwing Study 125  » 

The Silverwings continue to be one of the most fascinating creatures we've discovered. After months of study, it's clear that the Silverwings may never stop growing - even the adult specimens. Several are getting to the size that I almost want to try riding them...

They really are delightful creatures to watch. I spent my short lunchbreak watching them dive through the cirrostratus around the facility and catch Cloudminnows. I wonder whether I could catch some myself with a fishing rod - it'd certainly be better than the lunch I packed at home.


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Silverwing Sizes can be found inside the Temple of the Gales. The tablet is found on the fish island near the fishing spot on the highest floating windmill island.

Tablet Location
