Ancient Cloudminnow

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The Ancient Cloudminnow is a Legendary Fish in Palia. It is a required item requested by Caleri Profile.png Caleri during the quest Quest Icon.png Silver-winging It.


A legendary minnow that was previously only known in legend. Found in clouds... allegedly.

–In-Game Item Description

How to Obtain


Ancient Cloudminnow can be caught in the Temple of the Gales without bait, at any time of day. The star quality version can be obtained by choosing to talk to Caleri after finding all of the collectibles for the Quest Icon.png Proof of Magic quest, or in a chest after solving the puzzle in the small temple on the main island.


Ancient Cloudminnow is currently not known to be used by any Accomplishments, Crafting Recipes, or in Cooking.


Ancient Cloudminnow is used in the following Quests:

Main (Subquest)


Ancient Cloudminnow is not used in any Bundles.


Starred versions of this fish can be placed as a decor.

Aquarium size: 3x3 (Small, Circular)

Catching an Ancient Cloudminnow does not count for any Accomplishments.

Similar Items


Update History

Build 0.175:

  • Introduced.